Dealing with an errant shoulder JCM

I was wondering, is there anything I can do myself to fix a shoulder JCM that's firing when it shouldn't? Basically, it is activated with every single character every time G8M's left shoulder is bent. It's making it very pointy when it bends.
When the shoulder is not being bent, the JCM doesn't activate; it's only each and every time it bends that it becomes an issue.
I know I can either uninstall the character or uninstall the JCM, but he's heavily morphed enough that I suspect uninstalling the JCM alone will make his joint go wonky.
I've filed a ticket, but I suspect it may be a while before it can be addressed.
Is there anything I can do at my end, or do I just need to wait for Daz and the vendor to deal with the issue?
Maybe this thread will help. specificaly Richard's instructions here
Oof. I was afraid it would be something like that. I dealt with Property Hierarchy once, and didn't understand what I was doing -- I did it correctly, apparently, but had no clue what it meant. And it's not clear to me how I would make ERC Freeze work here, alas.
I think I'll wait (... a while) for Daz and the vendor to deal with it, and just uninstall him for now.