Questions about Thumbnail Mastery

in The Commons
1) I'm trying to use Thumbnail Mastery to create tip.png's for Wearable Presets. I had expected it to clear and reload the scene, or at least undo the previous preset, but it doesn't seem to do so. Is there any way to make it do this?
2) I'd like to save the resulting thumbnails in a different folder, preferably named [whatever].tip.png, but it won't change just the output folder, and it doesn't seem to take wildcards in the file name.
Oops - deleted. Somehow my comment ended up in the wrong thread.
Fixmypcmike, not quite sure what you are trying to do. The .tip.png file must be in the same directory as the .duf file it is an image for. However, the duf file can be anywhere you can save it to, so the restrictions are not enormous.
Hey, Fixmypcmike! So, if you're using one base scene for all the wearables to make your thumbs with Thumbnail Mastery, it's going to pile the pieces on top of one another, if you do them all in one go. What you're going to need to do is to run the thumbs one at a time, or set up individual scene files for each one of your wearables.
As for your second question, I don't understand why you'd want the resulting thumbs to show up in a different folder, as the thumbs are designed to coincide with the duf files you just pointed the utility at. Now, you might be doing something outside of the ordinary here, and I'm not understanding, but generally you want the new thumbs to land where the duf files live.
I love the store's search engine...
Even when it knows what you are looking for, it can't find it.
So I can edit each of the source scenes in the list, and it will use them for the corresponding preset?
The second question has to do with renaming, since I can't get that to work, it names the output .png and I have to rename it to .tip.png so it doesn't overwrite the existing .png's. My solution is just to copy the .duf files to a temporary folder, run TM on them, then delete the .duf's and rename the .png's, then move the .tip.png's back to the original folder.
It will find it if you use quotes around the 2 words.
It will find a bunch of stuff with the word "master" or "mastery"... at the bottom of the collection is the product, but if it's something with a lot of products with similar words in the title, you have to sift through a lot of stuff.
The first image shows it acknowledging there is a product called "Thumbnail Mastery" but when you click on that it returns "no results"... there is a disconnect between it "knowing" there is a product by that name and it being able to find the one you specifically asked for and it suggested.
Its not a big deal, I don't actually use the store search because 86.4% of the time Google finds it way quicker... even when I don't have the exact name right.
Easy to fix - just tell the store to include the quotes.
The first image doesn't show that it knows about the product, it shows that people have used that search term before.
I've never had a problem with the tip image not working. So I'm not sure what you're doing differently than I am. I just point the utility to the base scene file that I want for whatever group of thumbs I need to make. I select the thumbnail size that has the 91x91 AND the 256 x 256 option. I add the background and frames I want and I click "create" and it works fine for me. The only thing I need to do is to go back to the file folder with my product and delete out all the old thumbs (the ones that have the .duf on the end - but not the actual duf files, 'cause that would be BAD. Lol. ) There's not muss or fuss and I don't have to go in and rename anything. I'm baffled that you're having a different result.
I had this same problem the other day when I was trying to tell a new PA about the product. I could not find it in the store whatsoever. Another PA came along and pointed out that they had to search for it in Google and was able to navigate to the page. Crazy! But it's still in the store.
Silly me, I didn't even notice there was a 91x91 AND 256x256 option. That makes things easier...
(BTW, most of what I'm currently making tips for are your older poses that don't come with them.)
Yes, we weren't required to make the tip art way back when. And I just haven't had the time to go back and add them.
I am, however, giving thought to updating some of the older sets, polishing them a bit, and making them for Genesis 8...if I ever get a moment, that is. :)