X-transfer vs Character Converter

in The Commons
I have both X-transfer and Character Converter and I’m not sure which is better. Does anyone have an opinion? Thanks.
From what I've seen they're both good but since they work a bit differently sometimes one works a bit better on a given character, and sometimes the other does.
Yes, I know, not very helpful
For the more extreme shapes, eg stylized morphs, I found X-Transfer did a better job, but then I did not play with all the settings in Character Converter to see if I could improve the transfer.
For normal shapes both do a good job. I do prefer the way X-Transfer puts an XT prefix at the front of each morph (eg XT Victoria 7), so I can see easily what is transferred and what is not. Character Converter uses the same name as the source figure.
Oh thanks. Does that mean you have duplicate names or can you rename it yourself?
These problems are not the fault of the creator of Character Converter. Character Converter works properly, and converts G2 to G8 almost perfectly. I don't have the other product so I can't compare them.
I have Character Converter and I have not found a way to get it to transfer mophs made with GenX. I have a lot of custom characters that use GenX transferred morphs, for instance, a custom character with morphs from Genesis 2, Genesis1, Michael 4 combined together on a Genesis 2 basic male figure. When I try to convert the custom character from G2Male to G8Male, only the G2Male morphs get converted, not any of the other generations that are included in the custom character. The resulting G8Male character of course looks nothing like the custom character. All my custom characters use GenX, at least for a few morphs. Maybe there's a way to do it, but I can't figure it out.
I also find that out-of-the-store characters that have not been saved in the "zero" position by the artist who originally made and packaged the character, when converted with Character Converter, the result is something akin to a Picasso portrait.
I love the ease of use XTransfer offers. The only one of RiverSoft's converters I have is G2M to G8M, and I don't like having to navigate to the .duf file. XTransfer has handled everything I've thrown at it (except that it didn't fully capture Star 2.0's proportions), and I trust Zev0 above basically all other PAs. If another PA and Zev0 make a product that do the same basic thing, I will almost always go with Zev0's version.
Thanks for the kind words:) Star 2 should work fine now with version 1.3. Have you tried it in the latest build?
XTransfer puts "XT" in front of what it builds, so you don't have to worry about duplicate morphs. Comparing the two, some characters converted better with one over the other, and vice versa. For example, I cannot get Darius 7 to convert with Character Converter without wonky eyes...no matter what settings I try and how many updates get pushed out for it. XTransfer converted him perfectly. However, XTransfer was a bit off with Olympia 7 while Character Converter was spot on. So it benefits to have both if you convert a lot of characters.
Is there a way to just transfer the face morph and not the body in either one?
Ugh. X transfer just crashed DS.
In what way was Olympia 7 off? It shouldn't be off in any way except with hd morphs which can only be converted at base level. Example below of Olympia 7 G3F and the G8F XT Conversion overlapped. You will see shape is identical.
Send me a log in the official support thread.
Yes. In Xtransfer you can just favourite the head morph of the character and it will convert that and all linked head morphs such as ejcm's and mcm's.
Just tried it again, and it works just fine.
I have transferred a lot of GenX shapes from G3F and G3M to Genesis 8, and X-Transfer generally did a better job, particularly with the base shapes, which really need to be good or else all the rest will be wrong. For example the Aiko 3 shape transferred very well with X-Transfer, but the eyes and arms were messed up with both Singular Blue's free script and Character Converter.
Once it works, it’s great but I have a problem with it crashing if you try to transfer six or more characters at a time. When I tried it with two characters at a time, it did work well but took 40 minutes to do. So this is going to be a long process...
I prefer X transfer.
The more that's loaded in memory, the longer it takes. It also depends how many linked morphs per character there are included in transfer. I wouldn't do more than 2 at a time just to be safe. This also depends on your system itself how much it can handle.
It might have not been Olympia 7...the specific character I was converting was a mix of Olympia 7 (100%) and Nathalie. It was her nose, particularly the septum area, that didn't seem to want to convert properly. It was fine, but it didn't match the G3 nose.
If Natalie converts fine and Olympia converts fine on their own, then the issue lies in the preset that was used. What I would do is see and compare all the morphs being used vs transferred to see if they match and were included.
XTransfer create morphs and Character Converter create character preset.
XTransfer is perfect if you want to transfer 1 morph instead of a full character. Not all the morphs are characters (For example Shimuzu head morphs)
I honestly uninstalled the transferred morph and only kept the one from Character Converter. The character is finished and working, so I really have no will to troubleshoot further. As I said I have both and it benefits a user who has a lot of different characters to convert to try out both. I'm happy with both products.
Character Converter also creates morphs. It puts them in the first content path it finds in data/Daz 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/... .XTransfer let's you choose what content path to use and let's you choos which morphs to convert.
If you can afford it buy both. I had chars that worked better with one than the other (sometimes XTransfer crashes, sometimes Character Converter picks up an unsupported formula and I have to repair the dsf). Anyway, I'm sure the content creators can offer support, but if you have the money and don't really want to wait for debugging: buy both.
PS: XTransfer, that G2 -> G8 would really be welcomed. I have RiverSoft's converter but I need a backup :).
Late to the party here, but I've recently been using both plugins. Xtransfer takes longer but gets more accurate results for complex custom morphs, while RSSY Character Converter is faster to process but is best for simpler morphs.
Have you tried the character transfer provided native to DAZ Studio Pro Premier if you subscribe to it?
I'm subscribed to Daz+ but not Premier.
Does it work well? I've not advanced to 4.23 and may not unless there is a really good reason. Would really rather run it on a VM and maybe use VMs to properly support multiple builds. I should check to see if there are 3rd party VMs for Windows and learn more of what's involved.
I'm gonna try it in January and report here if I can find this thread and remember. I've done it manually in the past via provided forum instructions with Genesis 3 to Genesis 8 and it worked well enough for toon characters.
Cool! Thanks @nonesuch00
IME, limited experience, I find x-transfer works really well and character converter mangles the faces. Could be I need to try more figures. I've plenty of opportunity to do that. I get no joy saying that.