You should be aware of this checkbox...

After many years and much purchasing of content, you'd think I would have known that DIM downloads content .zip files that it then saves on my hard drive unless I tell it not to. On the Ready to Install tab, there's a Delete Package Once Installed box. I don't know what the default is for that box (checked or unchecked), but for me it wasn't checked and I ended up with 512 gig worth of .zip files on my C drive. According to a post I found in the forum, it was okay to delete them. I did so and finally (FINALLY!) solved the mystery of why my C drive kept running out of space.


  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    Indeed it does exactly as described.

    That you can set the path to an arbitrary download directory in the DIM settings (e.g. to an external drive), and *not* delete these files is also quite a useful trick (so long as you're aware of the size/implications...)

    I always preserve these zipfiles, and have actually saved older versions of updated zips where the newer updated versions removed 'features' that were determined to not be valuable to me, even if they were. Not all improvements are welcome. I also save all of my older DS update installers for this reason.

    Consider configuration settings that save your content downloads to a backup folder/space of some sort and ensure that if DAZ ever becomes unavailable to you (internet access, etc.), you will still have posession and access to your purchased products.

    I'm glad the choice/checkbox is there, as both approaches are viable, depending on your need (and hopeful awareness of the size/storage implications).



  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,647

    It would have been better to keep those somewhere - A second hard drive in your machine, for example. You can configure DIM to put the downloads on a second drive. If you haven't already, you should also buy a couple backup drives and copy all your stuff on them. Keep one copy local and the other somewhere safe and off-site. Then you rotate the drives between locations.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,621

    I archive them to an external on one of my computers

    delete after install on the other one

    (both have DIM but never try to run both at once)

  • I strongly recommend keeping them, either on an alternative drive (My Daz Studio is on C:, Content is on D: and Packages are on F:)  or by archiving them, and also keeping any packages which have been updated, especially Daz Studio, so you can roll back to previous versions if required.

    Best Wishes

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I keep mine locally on disk, although I have 5200 individiual DIM zip files as, even though I have now a 22MBs connection speed download now, redownloading all that is not something I want to do. It and the installed versions of those zip files is the main reason why I had to upgrade to a 2TB SSD disk (with plans to split all the DAZ & other 3D game engine content to a 2nd 2TB SSD).

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