Aging Details HD Add-On for Genesis Aging Morphs (Now in Store)

Hi Guys. I decided to give Genesis some love by bringing the HD details from Aging Morphs for Genesis2 over to G1. This will include both male and female HD morphs as well as some universal ones. Should be released sometime this month. I plan on doing some more HD projects for Genesis so it's not left out:) Here is a promo. Will post more when the rest is complete.

800 x 1040 - 212K
Post edited by Zev0 on
There's only one phrase that springs to mind...
Fantastic, I love the Aging Morphs for Genesis, this is a must-have.
Oh my! Must have this one.
Some more product promos.
Some rendered examples.
It's things like this that make you one of the favorite vendors for lots of us!
Wonderful Zev! This looks great, looks like yet another must have from you :D Cheers!
Excellent news, another instant purchase...
Is it still due for release this month.???..i.e. tomorrow..??
Yes. Will be available tomorrow according to the release schedule, so technically still this month lol.
Amazing work---beautifully done.
oh goody goody
I use Genesis way more than the Genesis2 figures so this is really usefull.
while I do not use Daz studio much, rendered closeups for facial animation using HD is one thing I would do in it and this will fit the bill nicely.
Product is now live:) Bleh, the promos are a bit messed up order wise lol. Will have this corrected :roll:
bought and hopefully when I get my PC back studio will be up to rendering them in an animation without me getting my own aging morphs.
failing that, Poser.
I am waiting patiently...
It couldn't come too soon! I see he is working on the Growing Up. I'm looking forward to that just as much.
Threads merged.
Uh... this thread is over a year old and refers to a product two generations old (Genesis). I doubt if many people are tracking this old thread for Genesis 3 information.
I thought this was for genesis 3 but is actually an old thread for genesis 1
I posted for genesis 3 but the thread was merged into this.
yeah I thought this was the g3 version too at first till I scrolled down
I want this for genesis 3
Mee too! Where is that damn lazy Zev! Lol I'm getting Growing Up done first then the new Aging Morphs will follow.
Most of my character library are either middle-aged and older, or kids.
Might as well use this one till that lazy Zev creates one for his G3 version. ;) This way it reminds him cuz it's the official thread and he's more likely to see what you guys say.
I see allllllllllll....All my product threads are favourited so I get notifications when somebody posts:) Well, when notifications work:(
the all seeing Zev
why do I now picture Zev as Santa
Maybe he is. Wait is he?
Ha, doubt it. Santa doesn't sit infront of a PC whole day lol. Also, Santa has elves to help him. I have no elves:(