Proportional Editing Size
Posts: 2,626
In Blender 2.83.1, is it possible to be more precise and enter numerical values for the Proportional Editing Size? It's rather limiting to just use the scroll wheel to cycle through the jumps in size.
Thanks in advance if anyone knows, or can confirm that it can't be done.
- Greg
@algovincian There's no way to do it numerically (that I have been able to find), but if you hold in shift while scrolling the mouse wheel, the step size will be much finer.
Thanks @Cinus - I appreciate you taking the time to respond and for the tip!
- Greg
only the shift seems to be available.
If you check out the bottom of the window, there is always a list of options on what can be done; there isn't anything to suggest a numerical value can be entered - other than for move changes.
You can. The parameters that appear in the lower left of the vieport has a "Proportional Size" field. But like all other things that get a parameters panel, you have to do it immediately. If you do anything else, the opportunity to change it is lost.
After you scale your object, the following window appears and you can fine tune the parameter as needed. As soon as you click anywhere in the viewport, it will vanish.
Thanks @Callidus Simia and @TheMysteryIsThePoint. In hopes that this may help somebody else, that window was minimized for me with only the word "Move" displayed with a small arrow indicating that it could be expanded (or "Resize" / "Rotate" depending on what transform you just completed).
It's a bass-ackwards mechanic for sure (only being able to edit the param numerically after the operation is complete), but at least I know it can be done now - cheers!
- Greg
Yeah, that rascily box does pop up minimized for me a lot of times and I forget it even exists sometimes lol.
If you maximize the parameter window and leave it like that, it will open maximized for the next operation.
f you hit F9 the parameter window opens immediately under your mouse pointer.
The Blender paradigm is that the operation isn't 'complete' until you perform another operation, but I realize that's not the behaviour of other software.
I did not know that ... Thanks for the tip!
Note to others: F9 is classifed as "Adjust last operation", and also reached from the Edit menu
By complete I just meant when the user was done dragging to set the transform amount, and that it would be nice to precisely set the the proportional size before - that's all. And yes, I do realize that the transform amount can be adjusted afterwards as well.
- Greg