Main character promo images and male facial hair

With the number of DAZ vendors who now do regularly supply facial hair as part of their character sets, I'm starting to get a bit annoyed whenever the main promo image features a new character wearing a beard or mustache that obscures a significant portion of his face when that facial hair isn't included. To be clear, I have no idea whether the vendor normally specifies which image is the main one or if it's a DAZ marketing department decision, so this isn't meant as a critque of any specific PAs, and I think that showing the character with non-included facial hair on the secondary images is fine. However, what prompted this was the main promo image for Jing for Kwan, a DAZ original, where not only is the beard not included, but the ear shape in the main image also appears to be significantly altered by a non-included morph to accomodate the yet again not-included ear-tunnel jewellery. In short, it's all very nice to dress up a character, but if a customer can't get a reasonably close approximation of the look of the main promotional image for a character wiithout having to buy multiple extra products, I really don't think that it should be used as the main promo image in the store. And especially when the items needed to acheive that look aren't even listed/linked in the product description.
The plugs are this: Don't know about the beard.
I agree, but I'm not optimistic about a standard being established.