Character portrait rendering
I have Daz 4.6 and I am trying to render my character in close up renders. I keep getting a kind of flat appearance to her skin even with SSS shaders by Age of Armor applied. I think it probably has to do with my rendering settings. This is how I have it set up. Does anyone know what I should adjust to get better results.
I have noticed that there is a 3Delight error message up in the render progress screen that says message #42 (severity 1):P1044: invalid exposure argument. Does anyone know what that means and if that could be affecting the quality of my render.
I have raised the render quality to 4 and in the advanced screen I am rendering 1000X1300
I left progressive rendering unchecked
Bucket order Horizontal
Bucket size 32
Raytrace depth 5
Pixel samples 42
shadow samples 16
shading rate .2
all else is at default setting
I'd recommend using Adam's render profiles. They're so handy and give great results.
I use "high" most often from his presets.
Ray depth: 4
Pixel Samples XY 8/8
Shadow Samples 32
Gain 1.0
Gamma OFF
Shading Rate .20
Pixel Filter: Sinc
Pixel Filter Width XY 8/8
The issue could also be lighting. Can you provide an example render so maybe someone can see where things are going wrong?
Sounds much more to me to be a lighting in use issue. What is the lighting set up like?
Thanks to both of you for answering. I did play around with the lighting settings some more and then realized that it is definitely the lighting. I am fairly new to using Daz, so I guess It is going to take me awhile to figure out how to do a decent render in it.
If I can offer a suggestion.. Age of Armour's Advanced Ambient lights are some of my faves. I've since taken to using those instead of domes. 1 light will give you diffuse, specular, and ambient (before, ambient would be obtained by using an UberEnvironment dome, which often meant a good hike in render times depending on quality settings).
Here's the bundle with all 3 lights:, but if you're going to only get 1, I'd say the Advanced Ambient Light would be it since it can be used as a global fill.
I second the AA bundle. I use it exclusively in my promos now and it is faster and gives better results than any combo I've tried before.