Searching For Something I THINK Exists...?!

Okay, so I am searching for a V4 outfit (yeah I know I'm still using V4 models :p ) and I'm SURE this outfit exists because I think I saw it before, but I'm unsure now since I searched both Daz and Renderosity for it.
Anyway, the outfit I think I saw was basically like an organic dress, resembling something like an undersea creature with a jellyfish-like skirt and some crab shell plating here and there, some fin bones too.
I was CERTAIN I saw it being sold somewhere but now I'm not so sure anymore. Did I just imagine it and believe it exists somewhere? :/
Post edited by Seiginotora on
They used to have something like you describe at RDNA. Trying to remember the name of the series. I will try to see if it was transferred to DAZ with the sale.
Maybe this:
Could it be the "Seafolk" series by Arki? That is in the DAZ store.
It has the crabshell breastplate....
I remember exactly what the OP describes at RDNA as a kind of ballgown but last time I saw it was at least 8 years ago.
It'stoo bad so much of that stuff is "lost." I lnow by today's standards its low poly yada yada but the creativity was amazing. If permission could be obtained to update it to a more modern look...
That's it, I think. Dangit, waited too late if I can't get it... :/
What I am thinking of was sold by Arki. They still have a lot of similar-sounding items in the store:
I've been thinking about this.
There were I don't even know how many RDNA items and I don't know what the ownership status is. Does anyone? Could someone post just a brief history of what happened and why everything isn't available here?
As I understand it, the people who ran RDNA were unable to keep the business going, for whatever reason. DAZ arranged to take over the products, but not all the vendors wanted to make the move to DAZ. Those vendors (and their products) went their own way -- some, I think, went to Renderosity -- and the rest were transferred to DAZ.
If you bought something at RDNA that was transferred to DAZ, it should be available in your DAZ account (assuming you jumped through the hoops to link your RDNA and DAZ accounts at the time). If you bought something at RDNA that didn't get transferred to DAZ, then you should probably still have whatever usage rights you originally had under the RDNA license, but it may not be available for download any more. If you've lost the archives, you're out of luck unless you can track down the vendor.
I don't remember which vendors made the move and which didn't. And some may possibly have moved initially, but then left later. For example, Mortem Vetus had a large number of products on RDNA (if I remember correctly), and is now at Renderosity, but doesn't seem to be on DAZ. However, some of their products are available for download in DIM which I think means that they must have been on DAZ, at least for a little while.
Does it all look similar just because low poly count and texture size then? Because from this vantage point it's almost like their is a consistent style to it. I doubt anyone would look at the G8 era products in teh Daz store in 10 years and say there is any consistent style.
It is SP-Octavia Outfit by jonnte at the other store.
RDNA was a brokerage, just like Daz. They had a few "RDNA Originals", but mot of the products were owned by their vendor(s) and still are, just like PA items here are owned by their PAs.
When RDNA owners had to close shop and sold the store to Daz some vendors chose to become PA at Daz (or were already) and transfered some or all of their active products here, some chose not to. Also, some items (like AlfaSeed/Aeon Soul former RDNA items) were already not available for purchase anymore at RDNA, and those were not transfered either.
Daz had RDNA order history, and transfered purchases when the customer had an account here for items which were migrated to their store, but they couldn't do anything for items which were not or customers who were not registered here.
Something like this?
I wrote a program shortly before RDNA shut down which would download product page data and pictures for individual accounts, a lot of people used it so there are a lot of data for different products out there on people's harddrives. I have complete data for 1035 products myself.
I also managed to get the promo pictures for a lot of products on the server and links to the product pages, but AFAIR it wasn't possible to get the product pages themselves, for some reason. Whether it's a complete set I'm not sure, but I scanned all possible SKU ranges and got almost 12500 products, starting with SKU 2040. I made the program I used publicly available so there may be others who have downloaded these data too.
But the links may be used to find and download the product data and promos on, I also wrote a program for that but I'm not sure if it works with the current version of the site.
If I get the time I'll try to organize the whole thing some day. The problem is the promos, it's legal to download pictures from webpages for personal use but sharing them is usually not. Wayback does however so it seems to be a grey area. Whether DAZ owns the copyright for the promos now, or it belongs to their creators I don't know.
That sounds really cool but are you saying you can't share it? Since promos are actually ads, not art, I don't see how there would be a copyright issue. Ads are MEANT to be shared!
I'd be happy to share them if I know I won't get into trouble, but I'm not really sure here.
The worst that could happen is you'd get a DCMA. If you, or the host, promptly took down the infringing material you'd be pretty safe. A very litigous person could still sue but they'd have a tough roud if you could show you'd made no attempt to profit and had credited them.
OK, thanks!
As mentioned, RDNA was a brokerage. RDNA didn't own the products, and so buying RDNA store doesn't mean buying all products.
So no, they couldn't port products to Daz store if the vendors who owned them didn't want to.
General Motors group actually owns the other brands. That's not the same at all.
Some RDNA vendors went to Hivewire, you might check there.