Problem with render output

I am getting back to DAZ after not using it for years, so I am really operating as a newbie. I did a render of an elephant and do not understand why the render is blurred. I have attached an image of the elephant in the DAZ workspace. You can see near the tusks at the bottom of the trunk where the render has blurred the image. I have no lighting. I just accessed the elphant prop and changed the pose. I used IRAY render engine.

1196 x 965 - 987K


  • rnollmanrnollman Posts: 310

    I meant the I accessed the Elephant actor not the prop.

  • Matt_CastleMatt_Castle Posts: 2,678

    That does not look like an Iray render; that appears to be the OpenGL viewport. (The Iray preview mode will not normally show the grid floor).

    Also, to my eye, this looks like the old "African Elephant" model, which dates from 2004, and will not be to the same standards of quality as newer figures. (Indeed, this considerably precedes the newer weightmapping and morph technologies). I believe the model is at fault rather than the render engine.


  • rnollmanrnollman Posts: 310

    Thanks, Matt! You are probably right. I am getting back into DAZ after years of being away, so I have lots of older products. BTW, you are also right that this is the viewport and not the actual render. The render has the same problem. I just wanted to show that even in the viewport it was obvious that there was a problem. I will get the newest version of the product and see what that render looks like. One question though. Back in  2004, would the render have the same problem. If so, I would think the product was flawed even back then?

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