Poser Clothes, Daz People??

It's pretty strange considering how many versions of Poser, Daz, & Carrara I've owned over the years, but I've never tried to put Poser Clothes on Daz People.
By Poser clothes, I mean clothes originally designed for Jesii, Miki, Sydney, etc
Has anyone tried this? Can they be made to fit & pose with the figure?
What's prompting this strange question is the "Beach Bag" sale of Content Paradise stuff that's on the next couple days. Here's an example...
There's also this... https://tinyurl.com/y2g28lt2
It's funny, there are a dozen different nurse outfits for Daz People & a handful of female doctors, but there's only ONE male doctor (Genesis 1).
I thought I might try to make it work. Hopefully someone can tell me IF or HOW it works. Can V3, M3 or M4, or V4 wear any of these?
No, they can't, at least not directly. Well, props might be usable with a bit of work, but you would need to convert the clothes.
I know CrossDresser program supports Poser figures, so you could use it to convert from them to Daz generation 3 or 4 figures (you'd need licenses for the target figures, of course). Wardrobe wizard probably supports them too.
This used to be able to be done with a utility by a Poser user named Phil Cooke, or PhilC. The utility was called Wardrobe Wizard and was incorporated in Poser itself for a few versions. PhilC (not to be confused with PhilW of the Carrara world) would release character packs for compatibility. The key was being able to convert from a legacy Poser figure to Victoria 4 or Michael 4. You could then convert the result from V4 / M4 to other Daz3D figures using various transfer utility type options. The current versions of Poser do not have Wardrobe Wizard, I think.
So, for example, I had a set of historical leader outfits for the Poser 7 male. It included a viking outfit for Erik the Red, Ramses II, Genghis Khan, etc. Owning the compatibility pack for Michael 4 allowed conversion from clothing compatible with base Poser figures, like Poser 7 male (Simon) to M4, and then Daz's transfer utility could convert the result for use with Genesis, Genesis 2, etc.
Not perfect, but what is?
Here is an example. The larger figure on the left is a Genesis 2 male wearing Eric the Red. The one on the right is
So, the conversions actually have less poke through on the thigh even though the morph is more extreme.
There are still solutions. With Carrara, you have access to the mesh of the costumes. You could use the vertex modeler in the assemble room to manually fit the clothing, export the OBJ, and then use the transfer utility.
Here is a link to the old Wardrobe Wizard site. I had heard PhilC retired. http://www.philc.net/store_WW_Extra_Figs.php
More Simple!
Of course, you can just use the Poser 7 figures in Carrara if you have a version of Poser 7 or later.
This image was done in Carrara using Poser 7 Simon and the Julius Caesar outfit in the leader pack cited above, and the Roman Centurian outfit. Poser 7 Simon and Sydney load directly in Carrara and are used just like Michael 4 and Victoria 4. Carthage Must be Destroyed!
Clothes converter is often on sale very cheap too
Interesting, thanks.
Odd that I see the Poser 7 woman (SydneyG2) but not the Poser 7 man (SimonG2) on the compatibility list or the screenshot. The specific products that @tsarist asked about are for the Poser 7 figures, the world leaders and career bundles.
I am pretty sure it does Simon too
will need to check later
also, it was a PC+ for a day item once too so don't pay too much for it
wishlist it
been very cheap a fair few times
no sadly he isn't listed and I have nothing to test
not being a Prime member those clothes are very dear for me so cannot try and see if can use James etc
Cross dresser 4 stops with Genesis, so you have to depend on autofit after that
I have a video on how to turn a model into conforming content - exporting the object from Carrara, import into Daz Studio, etc.,
So the workflow I use would be as follows:
The item is now a simple mesh prop (object). Next:
The problem with converting in that way (my post above) is that none of the morphs will come along for the ride. We have to make our own new ones.
[Deleted] because I posted this *before* I realized it was a Carrera discussion.
If I had a brain, I'd probably take it out and play with it.
well we use that Carrara plugin called DAZ studio too
so probably was helpful