Pose fusion bundle in bundle?

why... is this bundle part of the bundle:
(ignore the blue bar).
Where is the pose Fusion plus product?... its a endless loop when I click the products linked under it.
edit; i found it at the link "whats included and features", but the images/Products are all listing the bundle.
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
another thing:
but why do i get 40% (normal is 30%) instead of 45%?
"An extra 15% off" when you already have 30% off is not 45% off the base price. It's 15% off what's remaining after the 30% were taken.
40% off the base price is right.
hmmm so its not additive :/ thats how you teach kids math xD you get extra 15% and its not 15%....
We try to keep problems concerning sales in this thread to avoid confusion.
sorry :< the forum is too deep.
Moved to the Commons, as it wasn't a Product Suggestion. The Escher-bundle has been reported.
Actually that is how percentages work - X% off is short-hand for multiply the price by (100-X)/100 so if you then take Y% off that's multiply by ((100 - X)/100)*((100 - Y)/100).
Cool! It's the Inception Bundle!
That's standard math for percentages.
Ye I woke up to this ConFusion..It has been reported by myself as well. Sorry for the issue. Guess the bundle wanted to fuse itself......
it was plan of your advertising ;) Grab Pose fusion Plus, to get out of the conFUSION :D