Selection Group not saving
I'm working on a prop that has 15 bones with polygons assigned to face groups corresponding to each of those bones. I go through Joint Editor and assign each face group to one of the bones. Everything works the way I want it to. But then, when I load it again, only one of those bones is associated with a face group (and it's not even the right face group). So I go through and assign them all again, make sure everything works, save again. Still doesn't work when I reload the prop, whether I save as prop or save modified assets (whatever it is that that actually does). What's going on here? I've successfully used this same process for other props with no issue.
Last I looked into the matter, one makes all the groups, then exports out an .obj file. Then into the Figure Setup panel import the .obj file. Using the Figure Setup panel arrange the bones and 'create' the figure. When the main work is done with that, then use the Joint Editor to polish the figure. Save the figure.
Did you initially convert to a Figure, and save as a Support Asset->Figure/Prop Asset? That creates a new .duf (with the name and in a folder of your choice) and a new geometry hierarchy in the data folder after going through the save options dialog. The "Save Modified Assets" is used to save changes to geometry, rigging, parameter setup (look and feel, controllers, etc.) without having to go through the "Save As..." again.
Yes, it’s saved as a rigged prop, in a runtime I created specifically for this project. Other props I’ve created for this project saved the selection groups along with the props, so I’m just trying to figure out why this specific one isn’t.
Are you sure there isn't an earlier version saved in a different content diectory, earlier in the list so DS loads it instead of the update? Try disconnecting the content directory used and see if you can still load the item.
There definitely isn't an earlier version. I just modeled it today, then brought it into DS to rig.
I deleted all the bones and started over from scratch, which was annoying. After I saved it the first time, DIFFERENT bones stayed assigned to their face groups, but I re-assigned them all, saved again, and now it works correctly. Sure would be nice to know what caused this, though.
I also discovered that another prop I created a couple days ago was giving me the same problem, so I deleted all the bones and re-rigged, and the process repeated itself: the selection groups didn't hold after the first save, but did after the second. The difference, as far as I can tell, is that when I first rigged these two props, I was using duplicate bones, and that'll learn me to try to save time. This time, I used sibling bones for everything, and it worked. Apparently just don't duplicate bones.