Trick to get Carrara opening or working

My Carrara pro never want open on my windows 10 again!
So has a programmer without a code source, I had to try a lot of way to be able to open this modeling tool again without breaking my windows 10.
So the best way I think who work for me was installing Oracle virtual Box on windows 10, and in Oracle I Installed a copy of my windows 8.1, and share a folder, and Daz Data folder, after that I installed Carrara who open like a charm.
You just need a big hard disk.
It’s a trick for old tool or software.
try removing any extra plugins from extensions if you havd any
also do you have a drawing tablet?
Thanks for the tip. At the moment, Carrara 8.5 Pro still works with my Windows 10 system. Just a matter of time before an update causes a problem, though.
I also work on win 10 and I draw with graphic tablet, and Carrara still works for me.
it depends on the graphic tablet
there is one that breaks it irreparably with its driver
I have a HUION Tablet and the driver for it must be running in order to open Carrara. Every time I restart Windows 10 I need to restart the tablet driver (the HUION installer puts a shortcut on the desktop).
Thank you for this info, PGre. I just bought a Huion and haven't set it up yet. I was wondering if I was going to need to use it on a separate machine.
I also use Huion. Not every driver works well, some of them evoke system conflicts. But my very recent driver works fine.
Yep I got the Huion tablet driver, now disable, I completely uninstalled and installed a fresh copy of Carrara still the same not opening.
I know it’s an incompatibility between the 2, but it’s working the other way till he is updated (not sure about that it’s old) but I like the diversity in modeling.
Thanks for sharing
thanks for the tip @Nostre
I went through this a few years ago and i had to uninstall the Huion tablet to get Carrara to work. Once the tablet was uninstalled everything workd fine.
I even had a ticket open with support and they could not figur it out and only said it must be an issue with your system and drivers.
I know it was in a post on here as i kept updating it but cant find it now.
I even bought anouther another SSD to install windows and Carrara on again which worked until i added the Table Driver.
Just to be clear, is this the way it is whether or not Tablet-mode is enabled in Carrara? If so, that totally bites!
I have a Wacom Graphire 3. Works great but I don't when I'm trying to use it. I just haven't had the patience to get used to it. I even tried it in Carrara 8.5 - and it worked, but I just didn't care for working that way, even when in 3D Paint which is why I was trying it. Maybe I should break it out and give it some love again.
I was able to run Carrara 8 on Windows ELEVEN by using Compatibility Mode for Windows 7 on all the .EXE files.