Software ? that makes foliage,plants,flowers,tress,etc for DAZ distribution.Any recommendations ?

I need some Software that's made to make foliage ,plants ,flowers ,tress etc ,etc.That's licensed so I can distribute it to DAZ users.

Any recommendations ?


  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    Any modeling software would do it, but I assume you want an instant solution

    You can try Plant factory

    or the grove3d


  • RorrKonnRorrKonn Posts: 509

    Can't sell thegrove3d trees.


    From a 2016 article

    First up, PlantFactory’s EULA has been further relaxed. The previous update clarified the fact that content created in the software could be used in games, and licensed freelancers to sell it to a single client.

    This update goes a step further, and permits users to sell content anywhere they like, including on any online marketplace: the major issue many artists had with the original EULA.

    However, restrictions remain: to do that, you have to have make the source file available on Cornucopia3D, e-on’s own online marketplace, for no more than 1.5 times the lowest price you sell the asset elsewhere.

    The EULA also forbids users from selling rigged or animated meshes created with Plant Factory, even if they were modified in another application.


    Plant Factory is on my maybe list.


    Any one else have any more recommendations ?



  • valzheimervalzheimer Posts: 519
    edited July 2020

    All of the software that I know of such is plant factory and similar come with a catch regarding distribution/reselling items made in them.

    I'd look into the scripts and addons for Blender or similar addons for software, you are more likely to find looser rules among those.

    Post edited by valzheimer on
  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,803

    ngPlant is very very capable. but it has a learning curve and you will need to make edits to many aspects such as UV mapping if you want to sell the trees. ITs an uphill battle for sure, but it is by far the best free option that produces meshes that actually are competitive with high end paid plant applications. Best of all, no restirctions on distribution. Here is a set of scenes I made recently using ngPlant as the base modeler. You may need to model the leaves in outside applications and then import them into ngPlant. to be honest I;ve been looking for a partner so if you are interested let me know. I;ve basically mastered the program but havent had time to create the content I'd like. But generally I am happy with the results. All the best!

    Rashad Carter

    Octane Landscapes:

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,620

    Carrara has an awesome tree generator too BTW but I am unsure of the EULA restrictions on that as while it's a modeling function and you can create your own vertex leaves it might still fall under the content umbrella, but then so would using formulas, terrain generator, metaballs, splines or even the vertex modeller, nobody has ever given me a clear answer.

  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,803

    These Blender Add-ons are a good example of why tree models are generally limited. To get a decent density of leaves along with decent branch fidelity and all the other considerations, usually an integrated system is more efficient than a static 3d model. To sell an .obj of some of those Grove Trees would be create files nearly 2gb uncompressed, which is the size they would each occupy in Vram as well. So practicality is definitely an issue.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,620

    that will be an issue with any tree not lowpoly transmaps

    another one, Blender is the go

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,172
    edited July 2020
    RorrKonn said:

    Can't sell thegrove3d trees.


    From a 2016 article

    First up, PlantFactory’s EULA has been further relaxed. The previous update clarified the fact that content created in the software could be used in games, and licensed freelancers to sell it to a single client.

    This update goes a step further, and permits users to sell content anywhere they like, including on any online marketplace: the major issue many artists had with the original EULA.

    However, restrictions remain: to do that, you have to have make the source file available on Cornucopia3D, e-on’s own online marketplace, for no more than 1.5 times the lowest price you sell the asset elsewhere.

    The EULA also forbids users from selling rigged or animated meshes created with Plant Factory, even if they were modified in another application.


    Plant Factory is on my maybe list.


    Any one else have any more recommendations ?



    There's M-Tree for Blender, NG Plant, Xfrog-(not free)...

    If you try M-Tree, watch the video. It's pretty easy to use and you'll only have to watch it once ;).

    Post edited by AllenArt on
  • RorrKonnRorrKonn Posts: 509

    A lot of cool links ,Thanks a lot

    Do some app's have restrictions on renders ? You make a plant and render the plant you made ,are there restrictions on distribution of your .png render ?

    Rashad Carter cool renders but I'm not looking to be a nature provider.I'm just learning the vender side of DAZ.I made a bowl ,now I'm making some buildings and was looking into having a few plants around.but I wish you luck and hope you find a killer partner for your nature models. Rashad Carter you have a link to your store ?

    Any one else have any more recommendations ?

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    Tree It...?

    I tried it a while back... it takes some level of experimentation to get the hang of... reminds me a lot of the defunct iPad app SketchTree.

  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,803
    McGyver said:

    Tree It...?

    I tried it a while back... it takes some level of experimentation to get the hang of... reminds me a lot of the defunct iPad app SketchTree.

    I've never had any luck with Treeit before but the new update last month looks promising! Thanks for this reminder!

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    Kawecki's IvyMaker at Renderosity has a no distribution clause as well.  Then again, I can't really think of a good reason for someone to make a plant creation package that DOES allow for distribution of the end product, as it ultimately would only kill off it's own market.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,620
    Cybersox said:

    Kawecki's IvyMaker at Renderosity has a no distribution clause as well.  Then again, I can't really think of a good reason for someone to make a plant creation package that DOES allow for distribution of the end product, as it ultimately would only kill off it's own market.

    has a Blender addon too and a Carrara one!

  • Three WishesThree Wishes Posts: 471

    If you're a MODO user, there's the Tropism tool kit.  I've never used it, but I've had my eye on it.  It appears it requires more than base-user familiarity with MODO. (Any time you see MODO's "schematic view" open, that's a yellow alert for casual users.)  It also appears to make heavy use of MODO's Procedural Modeling toolkit, which is actually easier to use than it looks once you have the UI basics and manual modeling down. 

    With MODO add-ons, a non-trivial experimentation/learning curve is always a safe assumption, but AFAIK there are no restrictions on the distribution of generated models.  And the price isn't awful, assuming you've already shelled out for MODO itself.  

    - 3W



  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,303
    edited July 2020

    _   interesting subject   _

    Post edited by ed3D on
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