File Reference Editor

I'd like to find a way to edit DAZ content (manifest?!) so the content is installed where I want it to go. File Reference Editor looks promising. Has anyone tried it? Or do you have other recommendations? I want to arrange things so that I could still use DIM, or a similar install utility, but put things where I want them.

File Reference Editor:



  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    I don't think that will do what you want -- that's for correcting references to data and texture files, I presume the files you want to rearrange are the user-facing files.  I suppose you could edit the folder structure and manifest in the zip -- it will get re-written if the product is updated, but as long as you save the one you edited and it isn't updated you could uninstall and reinstall with DIM.  It seems like a lot of work, though.  You could use Content Package Assistant ( ), that should create the manifest from the rearranged folders.

    What are you trying to accomplish?  Depending which DIM features you care about the most, it may be easier to install to a dummy location, then rearrange the files there before moving them to your actual content folder.  Other than being able to uninstall and reinstall a product with your modified folder structure, that should give you most of the DIM benefits without any extra work.

  • Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,805

    Fixmypcmike, I think you're right. I want to get the original folders setup the way I want them in the finished installation. I've been rearranging the folders manually, then dragging them to the desired install.

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