DIM does complete reinstall

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, but this is now the second time this has happened to me. I run DIM to install some new content that I purchased from the DAZ store. I select all the items on the "Ready to Download" tab and have the "Install After Download" checkbox selected also. I click the Start Queue button. Next thing I know, DIM has done a complete wipe of my DAZ Studio installation. It then downloads a small fraction of my items and I have to go back through the process to reinstall the rest.
Even worse is that some of my other content that I've purchased from other places no longer works. I installed these items manually. The items still show up in DAZ Studio, but if I try to use them then it doesn't work correctly and I spend tons of time fixing this.
I hate that there are at least 3 different ways to install content and I don't even know if I'm using the correct method.
Does this happen to anybody else? Am I doing something to cause this?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have never had DIM overwrite files or do a complete reinstallation. So I'mm guessing you are doing something wrong. My best guess is that there is more in your Ready to Download window thatn you think. If you use the checkbox in that section it will select everything in the Ready to Download whether you see it or not. Since Studio can't find content you instally manually, you probably haven't installed them correctly. It sound like things that should be in the Data folder or Runtime folder (texture mainly) aren't there. It's also possible you don't have the paths set correctly between Studio and DIM or Studio internally for DAZ things and Poser things. If you are getting lots of things in the REady to Download window you may have misplaced / lost / moved the Manifest files. These files are used by DIM to know what is installed and what isn't.
I found one thing that I might have done wrong (or maybe not ideal). Some of the content I installed directly into the DAZ Library path rather than my local library. Sorry, I'm not sure of the DAZ terms for these. I have two directories:
All of the stuff DIM installs goes into the first. I extracted some of the zip files into the first also, but now I'm wondering if I should have put it in the second instead.
Also, either DIM or Daz Central will continuously create shortcuts on my desktop. Do these programs attempt to validate the install and could deleting the desktop shortcut trigger a reinstall? I just now found the checkbox in DIM to disable that, so maybe that part will go away now.
Where did DIM get that weird path?
I assume you mean the second one. DIM doesn't have that configured, but that directory exists and DAZ Studio appears to read from it. I assume it was content for local user and DAZ loads assets from both, but I have to admit that I don't know. It's not a directory that I created, so either DIM, DazCentral, or DAZ Studio created it.
No, the first one. The second path is the default for user content (although it should be listed first). The default path for DIM to install to is C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library
"data" is a special folder where all the files and folders a user doesn't need to see are located.
I think you mean the data folder inside the library. The data in the path I listed was above that level.
I have no idea. I didn't create it, or at least not intentionally. All of my downloaded content goes into that directory by default.
I've only been using DAZ for about 3 weeks now, so I may try to remove *everything* and do a complete reinstall. I've learned a bit about content management since I started, so I might be able to get things more organized. I'd like to move the library to my secondary drive and get it off my C: drive.