LA Pool and HDRI

in The Commons
Hi, we have a project going, where our location is a villa outside Los Angeles. I just saw product, but unfortunately all the promo images of the HDRI are facing down town LA. That would be really nice view for our pool too, but in our villa we have several rooms facing other directions also, so I was wondering what that HDRI would look like to other directions too. Anyways, if somebody already owns that product, it would be nice to see other directions of that HDRI also.
An HDRI is 360 so if you are in the area you should have a pretty good idea where the image was taken based on the angle of the skyline, been too long since I was in LA for me to guess. Somewhere almost due east of downtown it almost has to be though.
Also Daz has a 100% money back policy so you could grab it and look yourself.
This is the LA Pool scene with the HDR Image rotated by 60 degrees. The building is part of the HDR image.
Ah, too bad the building is part of the HDRI. We can't really use it then. Thank you for the images though
That does suck I was going to buy it just to get the HDRI.