dForce Hooded Outfit feels unfinished?

ZiconZicon Posts: 359

I just got the dForce Hooded Outfit for Genesis 8 Female(s) and after giving it a test run, it feels like got handed an early beta.

Even in very simple standing poses (similar to the one in the promo) on a basic G8F I get significant pokethrough after simulating. I don't mind fiddling with the fit for extreme poses, but this is a bit much.

The sleeves on the cardigan are weirdly stiff and tend to poke out in weird directions after simulation.

Only the outermost layers (the cardigan and the hood) have dForce. The pants are tight-fitting and don't really need it, but the tunic is loose enough to benefit from dForce as well.

Each item has only a single surface, with really autogenerated-sounding names like "initialShadingGroup" and "lambert7SG".

I got this outfit because it looked like excellent kitbashing material, but at this point it looks more like refund fodder.

dForce Hooded Outfit pokethrough.jpg
1000 x 1000 - 110K


  • maikdeckermaikdecker Posts: 2,990

    I *guess* with a bit knowledge of how to set up material zones yourself and how to set the different layers on dForce outfits, after manually applying the dForce modifier yourself, several of those problems could be solved...

    I don't own that outfit myself, but I encountered similiar problems a couple times already. So I'm kinda used to "early beta style" by now... but I also have a lot of free time to tinker along with probable solutions until it works as I want it to..

    If you lack skill and/or time do find a solution yourself, it's probably the best - and quite understandable - to get a refund...

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