Please let us know when body textures have...

in The Commons
This is the second base character I've bought in four days - first Babina 8 and now Sahira 8 - that have tan lines baked into the texture, and yet we can't find this out before buying. I have no issue with the quality of the product (well maybe why is everyone so friggin' red these days?), but I make almost-exclusively fantasy art, and a triangular bikini tan line is not going to work on a fairy or succubus.
Can you at least show us a nude rear view promo image (within reason) so we can see if there are tan lines before buying? I don't want to return these products over something like this, but I'm mulling it.
Glad I didn't buy either.
I have products that let me add tan lines if I want them. I do not want them on base textures. Most certainly not on so called core characters.
This isn't the days of V3...
I agree the tan lines should be made known. I really think they should be a separate materials preset. However, I don't see why a fairy or succubus can't have tan lines.
Baked eyebrows, too... I hate that.
Well, that's a bit of a pisser. I wish I had known Sahira had the tan lines. Would never have bought the bundle. I actually just checked because I thought I had used her already, but definitely not. I might try to get rid of it in Photoshop but it'll probably be a mess when I'm finished.
Yeah, I've had to drag a few torso textures kicking and screaming into Photoshop to throw some adjustment masks on them to remove tan lines.
While tan lines are admittedly realistic, these lines are in the wrong place for anything other than a character who's spending their time wandering around outdoors in bikinis - which is not a particularly large number of my characters.
DAZ has gotten very good at including no eyebrow options along with both painted on and fibermesh ones, so I do want to give them credit for that. I'm more encouraged to buy a core character that comes with those sorts of add-ons (like the fibermesh hair that came with Dain).
NylonGirl: That's true, but the tan lines on Babina 8 look particularly like those of a modern bikini, which makes it a little weird. :)
GlenWebb: Yeah I bought the Sahira bundle yesterday with that good coupon, figured I could kitbash some of that pirate stuff with fantasy clothing too. I'll probably keep the whole thing because the price was great for all the content and the hair and additional textures should be fine, but yeah it was a bit frustrating to discover that.
Yeah, the no brow option is nice. I always use Fibermesh brows and use Brow Remover quite a bit to generate browless maps.
I purchased Sahira on release day. Had I known she had the tan lines, I'd have just grabbed the few outfits I wanted and texture addons for kitbashing. Ugh, I generally pass on most female content anyway. I'm going to have to pay more attention to the figure promos from now on. If I can't see 'most' of the body, I'm going to pass. Interesting all her tan lines were covered in the promos, like they were trying to hide them or something.
There really should be standards on this. Every "core character" at least should come with a base texture that is uniform. No tan lines. If I want light feet I'll do that. If I want a wedding ring line I'll do that (and no PA's don't get any ideas), If I want a 2 piece tan line I'll do it. If want a 1 piece I'll do it. if I want a thong tan line I'll do it. If I want a female to have only a bottoms tan line,got it. If I want a guy to hvae a trucker tan line. I'll do it(sensing a pattern?).
Don't restrict my options out the gate. It is much harder to remove than it is to add.
I agree.
I removed from my wishlist.
I don't have hundreds in my wishlist, about 90; I have items I intend to get.
kenshaw, you're absolutely right about the usefulness a standard texture free of tan lines, tattoos, scars, and major blemishes. I would include freckles in that list, as most PAs end up creating freckling that looks like a rash or melanoma. These surface details are better as options added by the renderer.
That too. Every time I see a character advertised as having freckles it looks like my redheaded brother after a week in the sun. I have freckles but its not like that, even my brother doesn't look like except right after a suburn.
Given how there isn't even a standard for where the darned files go, I'm not going to hold my breath for anyone to respect the additive model you are suggesting. And given the worse things that get past QA, violations wouldn't be caught, either. Damned good idea, though.
As someone who doesn't do a lot of fantasy or sci-fi stuff, I can honestly say it doesn't bother me. However, I do think features like tanlines should be optional, and that people who have a problem with the practice should put in tickets mentioning the issue. Daz doesn't react to forum threads generally, although we've seen more activity on that front recently, but they do pay attention to tickets. Maybe frame it as a "Feature Request"?
So basically you are all saying they use the same base resource skin for all their characters, since that would make the most sense to have a non blemished skin for every character. Don't get me wrong, i agree that we should know what we are purchasing before hand. Just goes to show how important it is that there be a place where we can see ALL of the product before purchasing (nude promos)
I also think there ought to be a place where there are (non-sexualized/aka pornographic) nude promos, even if it's maintained separately from Daz (like a subsidiary who runs a separate website).
I understand the need for non-nude at Daz, but this is one case where there's a direct customer impact. And following up with Customer Service afterwards? As generous as Daz can be, just having to do that is somewhat of a hassle.
(Thankfully, I like tanlines, and it's not so important to me. Baked-on hairs (especially the anatomical elements, but also eyebrows) - these are not my favorite thing, however.)
I wouldn't mind in the least if they also wanted to include a second texture with a tanline or freckles or whatever. Or even if the texture is prominently advertised.
I've bought characters with such features because I wanted them, a character from rendo with a cyber texture suitable as either a tattoo or as cyberware. But it would be hella annoying if I bought a character and got something I could not use.
They don't use the same base resource for all their skins and I'm certainly not saying we need blemish-free perfect skin bases. I just would like to know if there are elements on the texture that might make it ununsable for my specific needs. If DAZ could just put blurry dots over the nipples, genitals, and center/lower buttocks of their texture promo images, it would solve this problem.
Optional tan lines: Great! Really appreciate little touches like that!
Tan lines as the only option: Disappointing and limiting. Especially for a core character that sells for more than double of most non-core characters.
If I were Daz, I would avoid any nudes in promos. You'd have problems with needing to keep minors from seeing them. Also, you'll end up with a lot of web traffic that has no commercial value--non-customer traffic.
iSourceTextures sometimes makes useful nude reference pictures at Deviantart, and some other PAs do it as well. I think that's a better practice than nudes at the site.
Almost all of my renders are clothed, but we should know what we are buying when we pay our money for licenses. Most characters at the Daz shop are presented in a resonable state of undress for my rendering purposes. More irritating to me is that many PAs don't use the promo renders to show the character from multiple angles and different lighting conditions.
I hate it when the freckles are part of the bump/normal map; they tend to be far too subtly different to be part of that.