Fit to Model vs Parent to Model - Opinion needed!

I've already opened this same thread elsewhere, so if you don't mind, I'll just copy and paste the text:
"Consumer/Vendor opinion needed! I'm making a set of jewelry for G8 Female. The set includes circlets that obviously should follow the head, this means both location and shape. There are two ways I can go about it and I'd like to know what other users find more useful and convenient.
a. A prop object/figure parented to Genesis 8's head. Shape adjustments made exclusively with custom morphs, or its own independent rig (for hanging parts);
b. A prop figure conformed to Genesis 8. It morphs automatically when the head's relevant regions are morphed by the user.
Clearly, both have advantages and disadvantages. I'd normally prefer to make a conforming figure prop, but not sure about all those deformations it will go through when Gen 8 itself is reshaped in all sorts of ways, the circlets are supposed to be solid and have a very specific shape, it's less forgiving than clothing.
Therefore, I'm asking the community. What are your preferences?"
For a crown or circlet? Or other head accessory? I prefer Parented, especially if they are supposed to be solid objects.
It's very rare that I want a Head prop to be Conforming. Veils, hoods, that sort of thing.
I think of it this way:
Parented: For stuff that won't change shape with the figure if the figure suddenly puts on weight, such as dangly jewelry, ear rings, and those pig-like nose rings so fashionable these days. I think a circlet would be in this category, but it is a borderline one.
Conforming: For stuff that will change shape with the figure if the figure suddenly puts on weight, such as clothing, belts and jewelry chains that drape over the figure. A finger ring may fall into this category, but again it's a bordeline one.
Is the circlet supposed to fit over the hair, or will it just be seen on the forehead or with a shaved head? The over the head part is tricky without hair morphs.
Thanks for replies, everyone!
They're supposed to be close fitting circlets, so by default they'll be visible on the forehead, or with a shaved head. That being said, the custom moph adjustments will probably make it possible to extend other parts over hair, if users have/choose to make necessary hair morphs.