Looking for contact info for JoJoGraphics from ContentParadise.

I converted his character V4 Sun (a Summer Glau look alike) to G8F for my own use. I even sculpted her a brand new body. As some of you know, I'm in the business of releasing freebie celebrity morphs, and I would love to get in contact with JoJoGraphics to see if he would let me release this one. ContentParadise folded years ago and V4 Sun is no longer available, otherwise I could add one of those encryption keys that only open the archive if the user is in posession of the original files. It would be such a shame to see his work disappear forever since his was one of the best celebrity likenesses I have ever seen, so if you know JoJoGraphics, or know someone who does, could you get in touch with him for me? Thank you.

I have some info for you. Took a bit of digging, wayback machine sifting, Googling, translating, and general guesswork, but I found your guy...
Here's the readme for V4 Sun (still up, surprisingly) https://contentparadise.com/sellers/jojographics/readme/V4_Sun_Read_me.txt
Based on that, a website I translated earlier and suspected was him turned out to actually be him https://jojographics.de/
You can use Google translate to translate the site to English https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&tab=wT&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://jojographics.de/contact/
I hope you'll be able to get in contact with him!
Wow thanks for that info, I'll try my luck right away! =D