Dynamic Clothing problem
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How do I keep this from happening in my drapes? Namely the way the wrinkles tear instead of draping naturally. This is an animated drape on Genesis 2 btw, but no matter how I try to drape, single frame or animated on whatever figure this happens.
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What clothing are you using (link please). and what figure was the clothing intended for?
Sorry, is this better? I'm mostly referring to the part where the leg bends from the hip.
It looks like the collide with Figure needs to be run a few more drapes. I never drape once for a static render, if you are animating for a animated clip I have no options. I often run a Animated drape to get the proper bends and then run several static drapes. Each should improve the final drape some. Be sure that all your Clothing is set to collide properly before your first drape of any type. The Shirt should collide with the figure and the pants both for example. Think layers and everything under another thing should collide with those under them all of them.
So animated the drape then do a static drape?
Ok I'll try, thanks.
It's still happening so maybe there's some setting I'm not using properly? It only happens on extreme joint bends I think.
Do you have the full dynamics plugin or the free one that gets installed with DAZ|Studio? (I can never remember which bits are in which version.) There are various settings in the Dynamic Clothing tab that affect the way something drapes. The Physics sub-tab has a gravity setting, which can work like a wiggle and a tug on real cloth draping over someone's real carcass, and the Prefrences sub-tab has two tick boxes affecting the way the drape works. Self Intersection lets the cloth drape against itself (although I've found it doesn't always work properly), and Face-Body Intersection lets a vertex of the object underneath collide properly with a polygon of the cloth. This is a great help in getting rid of tiny little bits of pokethrough that sometimes accumulate.