Looking for the outfits shown on these couple products

Good Afternooon Everyone,

I am hoping someone may know what/where the two outfits shown below might be found. I have searched thoroughly and have only been able to find them on other product renders (by multiple artists), but I can't find the outfits. Thank you for for your help!

I have been looking in the store and have not been able to find the outfit(s) (I think it is the same outfit) shown on these two product pages:



I have also looked for the outfit shown on this product page without success:




  • The top one is easy... Tears of the Gods from the Olympia 7 Pro Bundle. An excellent outfit.

  • The top one is easy... Tears of the Gods from the Olympia 7 Pro Bundle. An excellent outfit.

    Thank you! I really like that outfit. It fits into several scenes/stories I am working on. I had looked everywhere and somehow it there. Funny thing is, I think I have that bundle on my wishlist! Thanks again!

  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731

    I believe the second one is The Wasp, with some custom textures.

    Never used it but I will second how excellent Tears of the Gods is!

  • I believe the second one is The Wasp, with some custom textures.

    Never used it but I will second how excellent Tears of the Gods is!

    Thank you! I think you are correct about the second one. It does look like it might have some custom textures.

    It is good to hear Tears of the Gods is excellent; I have moved it to the top of my list. Thank you for replying so quickly!

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