Been using Studio for years... who knew?

in The Commons
Just found out accidentally, because sometimes my finger clicks randomly on my mouse buttons, but this time I was in the middle of moving a slider... the random right-click ZEROED THE SLIDER... I had no idea it would do that. When I think about the amount of time I have wasted through the years letting go of the left mouse button and then clicking the gear to zero the slider I didn't like the look of (sometimes with noticable lag) when all I have to do it right-click while still holding down the left button... Wish I had known about this much sooner.
It works with viewport translation/rotation/scale as well. Just be aware that sometimes right-clicking while you have the left mouse button down can also make your cursor disappear.
if you click the value, you can type any number as well.
usually my only choice as those sliders so touchy
Interesting. I always click ALT and left click the slider to zero it. I'll have to try this.
I sometimes use the gear reset but you cannot keyframe it so only good for still images
Well... that ALT + Left click function is going to be handy now...
As is the left/right click reset option.
Yeah I get really irritated when my cursor disappears, the only way I know how to get it back is to futz around until I can get the invisible cursor over the button to change cameras, and then it comes back after I change cameras. If anyone knows of an easier way to get it back it would be appreciated.
Yup knew that one from using it in Poser years ago.
I didn't know about that one either, it is good for sliders you want to zero that are already changed. because the right-clicking while holding the slider with the left only works on what you have actually changed.
If you grab a slider that is already zeroed and move it to 100 the right click will zero the slider, but if you have a slider at 38.2 and move the slider and while holding it right-click, the slider goes back to 38.2.
So it is great for checking changed to various things like morphs on characters and expressions and stuff like that.
Another one I had no clue about, it is good for sliders that are already changed that you want to zero.
Not sure if it's easier, but this also works: get the (invisible) cursor over the camera cube, left-click and hold, right-click and release, release left. Or, on the camera cube, left-click and hold, right-click and hold, release left, release right.
I wonder if a decent help file would have detailed all these short cuts. It's nice to imagine that it would have done. But we'll never know. Shame. A decent help file/manual would save so many people so much time and allow us to use the software to its full capabilities.
but then you will get smartasses posting RTFM to any questions
Oh, here's another.
I modify a lot of the things I purchase. Change them to 3DL, give them extra matt zones, group props together, etc.
I've been saving them as scene files and merging them into other scenes for years. Perfectly doable, but each time you have to tell the program to go and *find* them before you can select them to merge them. Which is a waste of time.
I just discovered that if I put my saved, modified .duf file, and its .png into the folder with the originals, it shows up in the content tab right alongside the original versions and I can load it with a click.
Also, and I've mentioned this before, there was an artical a while back (in Scientific American) and one of the things it mentioned, in the context of manuals I think, was that way back when MS Office came with a great thick manual (or manuals) a fair proportion of their feature requests were for things that were already possible and which were in the manual. Sadly, comprehensive documentation doesn't guarantee comprehended documentation (and I'm definitely a glass-house dweller here)
Of course all these features are prominently documented in the up-to-date DAZ Studio manual, I assume.
Sorry, late to the show.
I use Alt-Left-Click all the time but its funtion is to reset the slider to the default value, not to zero it. I am very wary of a L-Click/R-Click combination because of the disappearing cursor mentioned above. My fingers often do unprompted twitches and I end up searching for the cursor.
Another issue, while we are on the subject of wayward mouse clicks - I find that often, when I click on a node in the node tree (Scene Pane) I find that I have selected a whole bunch of nodes instead of the desired individual node. Sometimes, if my hand happens to move slightly, I end up with one figure nested inside another which is not always obvious at first so it can be very confusing. The Viewport certainly needs a little TLC.
By the way, I recently discovered that if your toolbar layout gets messed up (all the icons bunch together), going out of - and then into - Full Screen resets them back to their correct layout.
On the subject of RTFM - this is one of the things I find most annoying about forums in general. Either answer the question or point to the manual page but don't show your arrogance by belittling the person asking the question. The internet is full of people like Comic Bok Guy from the Simpsons (I was surrounded by them throughout my career in computers). Sorry - pet peeve.
I know having a manual does not mean that everyone will read the manual. But quite a few will. And a lot will find this sort of thing out as a result.
If there is no manual, nobody can read it. So the only way of finding this sort of thing out is by accident or slow, inefficient, erratic and chancy forum methods.
Which is preferable? Does NASA leave the astronauts to guess how their software operates, discuss it amongst themselves and learn by breaking it, or - possibly - is there a manual? Same thing as DS, just that DS is less life threatening when you break it.
Happens to me in the scene pane all the time. I've never reported this behavior because there seems to be no rhyme nor reason behind it.
Happens to me most frequently when I create a new Camera, then select it at the bottom of the Scene pane to drag the camera into a "Cameras" folder I usually create to keep things organized. Suddenly there's a whole bunch of stuff selected.
It could be that I'm already moving the mouse up before I've completely released the mouse button, but I've tried to be careful to avoid that possibility.