Rendering in Open GL with Black Background

in The Commons
I was trying out the Open GL rendering option on a Macintosh. It's quick, but the backround is always black. I tried a plane primative with white material on it. That did no good. Still the black background. Is there any way to change the background color, or, better yet, to make the background transparaent, so that only the characters and items I put in the scene are rendered?
It should render with the background color of the view port, unless you go to the environmment pane and activate backdrop and set a color for it. Don't think transparency is supported.
Well, actually I have my background transparent in the view port. But, I'll see if I can change the color in the environment pane.
I thought openGL png series still had alpha just transmapped hairs etc look crappy and no light cast shadows
pretty sure I have rendered openGL with alpha but not checked lately, it may have changed with new builds
just checked, png renders with alpha using openGL
OK, I found out how to alter the background. In the Environment Pane, make sure the color is 255 255 255, and, to make it transparent, turn off the "Visible in Render" option. I agree that the Open GL doesn't look as fine as some of the other options, but for a quick animation, it works.
Tks, learned something new:)