How to UV Map a Surface in DAZ Studio

in The Commons
The model is a room. The inside of the room has materials applied, but I need to apply materials to the outside of the room model, and no material will apply, so I assume it isn't UV mapped on the outside. One total surface map is fine. I just need to change it to a neutral colour.
Hi there, if there is no texture involved and you just want a solid colour, then you could just apply the colour you need to the outside surfaces.
If there is no surface for the outside currently, you can use the geometry editing tool to select the outside polygons and create a new surface that you can apply a colour to.
This will only work if the model has thickness, because if it is a single poly thick the inside/outside is the same surface. If there is no thickness and only one surface, then you could use Oso3D's double-sided shader.
Also bear in mind there is a difference between materials and shaders - a shader can be applied to any surface, whereas materials are created for a particular model that has specific surface names, so it may just be that you're using a material preset for a different model.
Whilst you can't create UV maps in DS, you can verifiy that the surfaces you want to apply textures to are UV mapped. To do this enable side by side view in `Window > Viewports`, select `UV view` in the extra view that shows up and then select a surface in the `Surfaces` tab.
If the surface has a UV map, you will see its wireframe in the UV view.