Dual 2080 TI = Choppy Smooth Shaded Animation Preview?

I have dual 2080TIs and my viewport is very smooth with the settings I've implimented for render preview of static scenes. 

When I try to do anything with animation blocks, I end up with major, major choppiness, even on Smooth Shaded preview. 

I've seen tons of YouTube videos of users with much less powerful hardware getting smooth playback. Am I missing something? Any help would be greatly appreciated


  • asdf123asdf123 Posts: 167
    newoski said:

    I have dual 2080TIs and my viewport is very smooth with the settings I've implimented for render preview of static scenes. 

    When I try to do anything with animation blocks, I end up with major, major choppiness, even on Smooth Shaded preview. 

    I've seen tons of YouTube videos of users with much less powerful hardware getting smooth playback. Am I missing something? Any help would be greatly appreciated

    OK, checking Play All Frames got things to the point it's showing all frames, but now it's going super slow, like one frame every second...

  • kenshaw011267kenshaw011267 Posts: 3,805

    What do you expect? You are not going to get real time playback

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    The smoothing modifier will slow down things drastically. It is not GPU accelerated, and I believe it will only use a single CPU thread.

    If you are using it on any clothes, etc., try temporarily disabling it for playback. I believe there are some scripts for it floating around, but I'm on my phone atm so I can't dig up a link.


    - Greg

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