Daz "Anywhere", really big thanks for it

I would love to congratz daz for finally start to be "less centered" and more "open" about using they stuffs outside daz and not just focus on it, finally daz is starting to do some "real steps", really thanks for that.


Now would be good if they could "improve it" and by improve i means also start to take more serious the "game dev" side too, if they started to also look more to this side and be more like "Iclone it would put daz ahead of all others sites/softwares on this area, because is really the only issue of daz is really which they keep being "too self focused" for too long, At last for me", while the 3d market started to evolve and the others places started to "look around" and try to be more "outside friendly"/support, it's time to daz really take all the furter steps to be ahead in all the places, be for render, be for animation, movie or game, would be good see daz really entering full in all places and be a strong companie for all 3d type of works.


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    A Daz to Unreal bridge is in the works, as revealed in some other thread. No idea about Unity, but I imagine that's being worked on as well.

  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395
    Gordig said:

    A Daz to Unreal bridge is in the works, as revealed in some other thread. No idea about Unity, but I imagine that's being worked on as well.

    hmmm this is very interesting you could link the post please?, that woul be good, currently i'm using the pluging from david, which is really working well, would be also interesting see how a "oficial daz release would work, another thing i would love to see in a future would be daz get a "team" and create a "more game friendly shop section, they could get the "artists which already work with "not so high poly count stuffs like for exemple sixus media and make a team dedicated to release stuffs more "game friendly" since somehow they "already doing it" then make it "official" would be cool.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783
    Gordig said:

    A Daz to Unreal bridge is in the works, as revealed in some other thread. No idea about Unity, but I imagine that's being worked on as well.

    Nice to hear, hopefully will bring my DAZ content more closer to VR support since I know I have to rely on a game engine for it instead of DS

    I truly hope these bridges make money for DAZ, but I have my doubts.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Yes, they have a place holder bridge for DAZToUnity on GitHub. Way back in 2011 or 2012 Unity had free example code and models demoing a character changing room like in a department store with a full length mirror & all that sort of typical changing room stuff where you could change the clothing, hair, and appearance of the character looking at the mirror. It was cute. DAZ should write one for their DAZ to Unity and DAZ to UE4 bridges, just to get all the noobs up to speed quickly with a practical, if very limited, scene using DAZ products. Maybe use G8F, G8M, and those G8 Essentials (which is just different sorts of underwear, 2 hairs, and an that dForce dress outfit but it's a good start at least).

  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395
    Gordig said:

    lol, this one is exactly the one i'm using, i was thinking if it was a"daz team original", but this one is good, my only issue about him is which when exporting multiple characters all of then will share the same skeleton, while overal it is not a big deal, for "some especific cases where you would want to have "diferent skeletons", would be good to have a option to create a "new base skeleton to use not share the same.


    But overal the plugin is very good for the me the only missing features which he already working on, would be a better "collision capsule" generation for physic simulations" and if him could find a way to "fix the smooth group" error message when exporting the fbx which is not "daz fault" but in general a option which help the engine "soft" better the character when rendering making the animations and the character in general look more "smooth and round", you can fix it by exporting the model to maya and maybe blender and enabling it to "smooth the group", it's a little extra step but would be good a way to have it proper fixed.

  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395

    Another thing which i forget to "thanks" was that awesome big discount of the interactive licenses in daz originals, i finally was able to buy "some more interactive licences", if i don't have to buy another very expensive stuff soon i would have bought really a lot of licenses, well if they keep being "good like that" then maybe if that promotion last until last month or appear again later (next month or later) then i could be able to buy even more, like really a toon of then, many of my pro bundles are waiting along some others stuffs.


    well i'm almost done with all the stuffs on daz for my current project just need few more "licenses here and there" (still some are daz original" but most are not then i gonna wait for another 70% or more discount for the "non daz" licenses, really when comes to "price daz really is amazing" the only issue without any doubts is really the lack of focus in more game friendly stuffs(specially more "low poly hairs" which most of then are "outoftouch"(pun intended) and outfits(as i stated previous we do have some very friendly artits with "somehow midle to low poly outfits"), then would be perfect for me lol.

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