Non Standard Leg Morphs

kwanniekwannie Posts: 870
edited August 2020 in The Commons

I was wondering if there are any morph sets available that have thigh and lower leg morphs that deform the leg muscles as motions such as walking running dancing would. These morphs would be more of a rotation of the muscles around the "Y" axis of the leg. I'm not referring to the general flexing deformation of the calve muscles or the hamstrings but more of a rotation of the whole of the muscle group mass around the center of each leg. VWD has a function called dynamic morphs that will calculate motion based of the morphs that a character has. Breasts are easily calculated with the up and down and side to side. Arms and leg soft body effects also come from rotation around the center axis of each limb. I know it is probably a far fetched question but one never knows, maybe somebody has made morphs like that. I prefer G8 but I'd like to experiment with any that exist. Please let me know if anyone knows of any..............Thanks!

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