The Shadow Knows... But I don't

in The Commons
Hey, I remember a while back that there was a product for sale that was an adaptation of the old character, The Shadow. I recall seeing the costume (slouch hat and cloak) here for sale, but cannot find it.
Can anyone help me find it?
here's the forum that talked about it.
That main promo really undersells the outfit.
Truly. I'm sure I've seen that in the catalog and just gone right on past and I've been looking for that costome and for a certain purple garbed fellow who lives in a skull mountain.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I bought this when it came out, but could not find it in my Library because I had no idea what it was named!
Now, I need to find the nose morph!
I'm tied up with work right now (and probably through tomorrow). But reach out to me again via PM and I'll check to see if I have that or know where to find it.
This artist put together a cool looking version with a Gen 1 figure.