Daz Won't Start Unless I ReBoot or Log Out and Log Back In

in The Commons
Irritanting but not fatal issue with latest version of DS. I can open it after a reboot or log out log in - but can't open it, close it, and then reopen it without logging out and back in. The little rotating blue torus appears for a second, and then shuts down. Cannot open it as an administrator either. Anyone have a clue? I am running PC with plenty of RAM (64G) and plenty of VRAM - two Titan 980 cards on board. Hard drive is not anywhere near capacity either. Running latest version of Windows 10. This happened before the latest windows upgrade, and after. Also installed the latest NVIDIA driver too. Any thoughts would be welcome - thanks!
Daz Studio can take a REALLY LONG TIME to shut down sometimes. If you can't restart it, go into Task Manager and kill the current process. As long as you saved your work, it doesn't seem to have any adverse effects. One of the things it does first upon shutting down is write the rest of the log, so maybe wait a few minutes before pulling the plug.
Yup. Task Manager is how I deal with it too. I've found that even if there is no Daz Studio process showing, merely opening Task Manager is sufficient to enable DS to open.
Thanks - I will give task manager a try, and let you know what happens.
Thanks to you both! Worked like a charm. Now - after I've saved my file and want to exit, I will use Task Manager. Thanks again!
One brief postscript - After shutting down Daz Studio the normal way - exiting the program, simply opening task manager doesn't work to fix the problem. What does work is terminating the program using task manager, rather than exiiting the normal way.
Shutting down Daz Studio reminds me of this
Be aware that force closing Studio when it iss till working risks causing later problems. If it's truly stalled - no sign of activity in Task Manager - then the forced close may be needed.
Thanks Richard. I did a deeper dive into Task Manager - this after closing Daz Studio last night and letting the computer run overnight. I found Daz Still running in the more detailed version of task master (which shows all active applications). I shut it down, and was able to restart it with no problem. Note that the program was listed there, but there was no activity.
I'vew let Studio stew in it's own shutdown juices for 18 hours. It never finishes closing down on my system. Just sits there with zero percent CPU usage and sever gigs of comitted memory.
That would count as no sign of activity. Which third-party plug-ins do you have installed?
....I've had situations where processes of the programme remained (often stalled) in memory and when I tried to close them (or process trees). I would receive a warning that Task Manager wasn't able to complete the action because I didn't have "permission", so it's not always a "cure all".
When that occurs I have to do a restart of the system.to clear all the buffers.
Dang. That sucks. I never had this problem with 4.9.