Need Help with Fixing Slider Dial Morphs
I have several D-Former type morphs for Genesis 1 that stopped working after one of the DAZ Studio upgrades. The upgrade was one of those in the 4.1 series. When I got these morphs they worked correctly, and then they became useless because of something in the new build.
Since that time I have upgraded DAZ Studio several times. Hoping that one of the upgrades would fix the problem, I have been disappointed each and every time. So I opened the Parameter Settings pane and tried all I know to fix the problem. Nothing worked and the problem persists. I think if I could dig into the D-Formers for these morphs, I might be able to see why and address the problem head on. I know how to create a D-Former and edit it for the purpose of making my own morphs, but how to get back into one that is already made is beyond me.
So I am asking for some help with fixing these morphs so that I can use them again. I don't recall who the person is that made these morphs, but I know they were all made by the same person. If I knew who it was, I might be able to contact them and see what if anything they could do about this problem, or I could have them advise me.
I am attaching a screenshot showing the errant morphs and the Parameter Settings pane for one of them. Look at the settings if you wish, but know that changing the values in any way does not have an effect, either for or against making the morph work or breaking it further.
Any advice that helps me get these working will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
Stay Awesome!