Nvidia Ampere (2080 Ti, etc. replacements) and other rumors...



  • Gr00vusGr00vus Posts: 372

    And let some faceless phillistine determine the other components in my ride? NEVER!!!  laugh

    Torquinox said:

    My understanding is, if you want a 3090 right now, you should buy a system that has one installed. The systems I've seen that have 3090s are monsters - Pricey but definitely armed for bear. YMMV

  • Each of the last two Tuesday's the Best Buy website has had 3090 FE cards available for sale, but to deter scalpers and bots they are requiring the buyer to physically pickup the card in a store.  Imagine my excitement to actually get one in my cart, only to find out the closest locations available for pickup relative to where I live are 100 miles away (and not the store location 20 miles from my house), meaning a 2-3 hour round trip to pick up the card (try explaining that one to your better half).  With great sadness I was forced to click the "remove from cart" button, but it is encouraging that cards are becoming available for more than 1 minute at a time on certain sites.

  • ParadigmParadigm Posts: 421

    The only way to get a 3090 "reliably" right now is to buy from <explictive deleted> bot scammers on ebay for a $500 markup. Only places like microcenter, which requires in store purchases for high demand items, have any chance of being reasonably in stock in the next year or so.

    Quick reminder that 2080TIs are STILL essentially out of stock everywhere.

    We're all waiting.

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