Product updates not working
Posts: 1,465
Hi. I've searched the recent threads about this and can't find an answer. I have been noticing about 10 product updates per day in Smart Content pane. DS Ver.
1. What's being done to these products to update them?
2. Many of these updates now show the white triangle icon and won't load. the log says "Syntax error - expected '{' or '['"
I've updated metadata through Smart Content and ReInstalled metadata through Content DB Maint. still didn't fix.
Thanks ahead for any leads, I'm a PA would like to get back to using these products in my promos.
2. sounds as if the files are not decrypting, so DS can't read them to display the thumbnail or load the content. If an uninstall and reinstall doesn't help you need to open a support ticket. I've not seen a major flood of updates, and of those I have had the ones I just checked seemed healthy, so I don't know what is happening.
Thank you, Richard. Will do
I too have had this issue with some purchased content, for me it was "Restricted Zone" content. I found a solution that worked for me. I generally use the DIM to install my content and so far only the above reference content had an issue. I also tried installing via DazStudio and still received the above error.
To fix, I did the following:
1. Made sure the content was completely uninstalled
2. Closed DazStudio
3. Installed the content from DazCentral
4. Clicked "open" from DazCentral after installation was finished
5. DazStudio loaded but did not load the content
6. Located/Loaded the content....all fine.
Don't know if this will work for you but solved my issue which appears to be the same based on your post.
Hope it helps.
I've had many Daz Connect updates recently that failed to update. The last few weeks where has been many updates on older products and I have spot checked for update information on the Product's Wiki docs, none found. In most cases there are no visual changes to the updated contents and in many instances the dreaded non functioning-no image icons. There have been so many failed Daz Connect updates recently, I've just resorted to just fixing the failed updates by copying the DIM installer contents in the "cloud" folder where the product's DAZ Connect files reside. I'm not about to switch to DIM to install products because don't want physical files touching my Daz Studio Formats library. I prefer to populate the Daz Studio Formats library with shortcuts dragged from the Smart Content tab so I can move/reorganize that library with the Windows file system without breaking metadata.
I haven't been keeping track of the specific products. There were 64 yesterday and seems like half were borked. Starting tonight, I'm going to keep track of failed updates just for the heck of it. Tonight I had 8 updates:
Thanks for the help here. I'm looking into all of these ideas. The product updates continue to come in, now about 15 per day, and even more are broken.
Same here. Content won't update even after uninstall and reinstall, and I'm using DIM.