Looking for true 3d smoke/clouds/fire.

in The Commons
I just bought this: https://www.daz3d.com/iray-clouds and while the cloulds look great, the setup is based on billboards so it's not what I was looking for. Basically I'm looking for is smoke/cloud or fire + plume that could be rotated 360 degrees and be viewed from any angle and give off the impression that it's a fully formed 3d object.
you will need to use 3Delight for true volumetric clouds in DAZ studio because iray so far doesn't support it
or in general https://www.daz3d.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=volumetric%20clouds
all you can do is use transmapped planes in various arrangements or a software that does volumetrics such as Blender, Bryce, Carrara or if you can afford it Octane render not the DAZ studio plugin
..I have this
A little expensive but it allows for making layered cloud effects. and uses actual meshes instead of billboards.
There is also this:
Have you tried Animated Clouds from The Philosipher, I have it and it works great.
OOoooh those all look great!
Would it be easy to make a plum/trail of smoke or a billowing puff of cloud coming out of a pipe/exhaust from the iReal clouds?
Look at the last promo image. It looks like those are billboards. Maybe you shouldn't dismiss billboards so quickly.
You can consider Fluidos II. It can create 3D smoke,clouds and fire.
I am not sure if this is what you are loking for as far as fire and smoke are concerned, but I find it amazing: https://www.daz3d.com/iray-fireworx
I also have this: https://www.daz3d.com/sy-kaboom-iray
You may also want to check this for smoke effects: https://www.daz3d.com/gnbd-smoke-project--4k-tiff-files
Wait what
, Fluidos works on the Mac now? And ships with 3DL mats?
...not in my wildest dreams etc
...very expesnve option though.
Yeah thinking I might just sell my car (and house)...the dog stays of course
...I've seen whatit can doand yes it's pretty incredible but 119$ and the fact you have to do an animation sim for the effects (which is why I don't use anything dForce) pretty much stops me right there.
Not necessarily. It can do it without any animation in only one frame (the 0 frame).
Yes, the dog stays!
But, remember, in Daz there is always a sale! (in March, some people get it for $27)
I've had Fluidos on my wishlist for the longest time. Sadly it's waaaaaay out of my price range and I missed that huge discount a few months ago. :(
I used HD Volumetric Clouds in this render.
Click on image for full size.
Right:) Wishlisted:))
I love the way it's catching and scattering the light throughout the clouds. Very well done!
That isn't how it looks straight from the library, I had to work a fair bit with it in the Surface Tab. You have to know how the Volume settings work and how the Chromatic setting affects the light.
for Fire try Kindredarts Iray fireworx https://www.daz3d.com/iray-fireworx you can manipulate the props quite a bit to make them much more realistic (reduce cutout for more see through flames...etc...)
Or you can try MMX Fire and Smoke - https://www.daz3d.com/mattymanx/mmx-fire-and-smoke-for-iray
I've used this and it is a great set of props for backgrounds and any kind of energy or fire wielding characters
Or try Blender.