I forget how I did it...V4 body suit question

in The Commons
Some time ago I managed to make a cleavage corset-like bodysuit using the V4 bodysuit onto a Genesis female, which I saved as a wearable; which I could then use on Genesis 8 female/Victoria 8. Okay...computer crash, long story short, while I could salvage most of my work, I couldn't save the wearables...I know there's a way to remove parts of the bodysuit so I'm left with a cleavage corset and a bottom, but I forget how!
Under what tab/sub-menu do I find the separate bodysuit parts?
Thanks guys!
From memory you'd load the bodysuit .cr2 and use MAT poses (.pz2 files under the Poses folder) to apply the 'styles' (done via trans maps I think).
I remembered! Surfaces tab, reduce the opacity to zero on the desired parts of the bodysuit!
Yeah. Also, if you want more procession, you could also use maps in that Cutout Opacity channel. :)