Facebook Ad Cats?

in The Commons
I don't know if my browser is hacked, or the store website, but:
This kept coming up under DAZ originals no matter what I searched for on August 13 2020. I'm going to see if it's still happening...

2014 x 1375 - 344K
Yep, still there.
ipad safari and Firefox too
There's nothing on Google about a virus or anything, it must be a site error.
They are constantly running various ad on their Facebook page. It's simply an abbreviation of "Facebook Ad Categories," I would think. Nothing sinister.
I came here expecting cats. No cats. What even? How can you tease with the promise of cats and not deliver? :P
...Thread fixed. :P
You forgot to add 'soon'!
Search for "cats" in the store, then scroll down a little. The Facebook Ad Cats are much more satisfying. Searching dogs, the results are just wrong, lol.
I would have included cats, but even the best DAZ cats (Hivewire I guess) are more than a little uncanny valley. I have yet to see Captain Marvel, which I'm assuming has the most realistic CGI housecat, but I haven't seen anything in the 3D hobbyist realm that looks good - maybe I haven't looked hard enough?
Dead right. These are the adcats I get:
And the Housecat looks so much like my Squeaky.
Not sure why it's showing a few things I have, but more cats is always good. Even if repeated.
You made me look. And now I know that this thing exists... lol
..That which has been seen, cannot be unseen...
I keep talking about the feline world domination plot and the distinct possibility that DAZ3D is run by sentient polydactyl alien cats and no matter how much evidence builds up people ignore it.
Its 2020... what else could possibly go wrong?
I misread that first time round, I read it as sentient pterodactyl alien cats, images of flying green skinned felines are now running around in my head, with the monthly PC+ challenge as 'Ride the Wind' for August I might try a bit of kit bashing.