Recreating a superhero- buckled leather?

Hey, everyone. I'd like to recreate my City of Heroes character from back in the day in Daz. Problem is that I have no idea where to begin with his suit.


(might need to right click and open him up for a larger size)

Hair, glasses, and handwraps are the easy part. But the shirt, pants, and boots? Is there anything even remotely like them for Daz?

Thanks, everyone.

blaze coh.jpg
993 x 768 - 164K


  • Iron Wasp gets you some of the way there. I'm sure there's more stuff, but I'd have to think about it.

  • That's a really darn good start. Even if I use only that, I'll at least think he's recognizable. Thanks!

    Here's a lighter version of the pic-


    blaze coh2.jpg
    993 x 768 - 202K
  • Write IdeaWrite Idea Posts: 325

    I'd maybe try to use a modeling program to create it. Blender is free and has tons of great videos online about how to learn it. Plus you can transfer DAZ models into it with relative ease.

    City of Heroes has lots of unique costume pieces I don't think you'll be able to find on the store.

    Nice to see a fellow player!

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