Supersuit pro bundle crashes DS...

Orion_UkOrion_Uk Posts: 231
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

I finally managed to get Supersuit pro bundle to stay in my cart and purchase it...

What a mistake! I paid $89.96 and all the darn thing does is crash DS as soon as i select ANY Supersuit folder in the content lib :(

No matter if i choose scenes or clothing route to Supersuit folder DS crashes!



  • Vos1327Vos1327 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Got the Supersuit today, but when I try to load it on Genesis, Daz bugs out and crashes. Never had any trouble with crashes before. anyone else experiencing this? I tried reinstalling it already.

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854
    edited December 1969

    Which version of the super suit and is there anything else in the scene other than the super suit and genesis? I've not had any trouble with it crashing it myself but a couple of time it combined with a fair bit of other stuff was a bit taxing on my computer.

  • Orion_UkOrion_Uk Posts: 231
    edited December 1969

    Khory said:
    Which version of the super suit and is there anything else in the scene other than the super suit and genesis? I've not had any trouble with it crashing it myself but a couple of time it combined with a fair bit of other stuff was a bit taxing on my computer.

    Supersuit pro bundle,

    Seems I am not the only one, another persons having same issues:

    Nothing in the scene other than Genesis :(

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854
    edited December 1969

    Meh! I meant to ask which version of studio it was. Not sure if that will help though. I know that it has been in use by PA's for production work for several months now and have not seen anything about a crashing issue. I will say though that it is one complex and rather robust piece of clothes and that may be the issue somehow. Not just because of poly count but it has so many surface areas and morphs.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,956
    edited December 1969

    What version of DS4 are you using?

    I am on and have had no issue so far. I have even had two different genesis characters both wearing the SS in the same scene and did not have a problem.

  • Orion_UkOrion_Uk Posts: 231
    edited December 1969

    Khory said:
    Meh! I meant to ask which version of studio it was. Not sure if that will help though. I know that it has been in use by PA's for production work for several months now and have not seen anything about a crashing issue. I will say though that it is one complex and rather robust piece of clothes and that may be the issue somehow. Not just because of poly count but it has so many surface areas and morphs.

    You could be right, hope to have more luck on my desktop later!

    I have tried DS 4.5 AND my current pro build of DS (

    I have even done a clean install with just ds4 default content and supersuit installed! just renamed my current lib to My Libary_old, made those other changes that failed and then re-installed my build and changed the name back on my old lib so i still had my old setup (but no working supersuit)...yet!


  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854
    edited December 1969

    I really hope you get it sorted. Super suit is pretty amazing and I know not having it work is driving you nuts.

  • Orion_UkOrion_Uk Posts: 231
    edited December 1969

    Khory said:
    I really hope you get it sorted. Super suit is pretty amazing and I know not having it work is driving you nuts.

    Lol, thanks ;)

    Well its kinda good news :)

    Supersuit runs great on my desktop pc (dont regret buying it, just cant work out why my laptop has problems!
    Going to file a bug report anyways.. you never know!


  • adamr001adamr001 Posts: 1,322
    edited December 1969

    Orion_Uk said:
    Khory said:
    I really hope you get it sorted. Super suit is pretty amazing and I know not having it work is driving you nuts.

    Lol, thanks ;)

    Well its kinda good news :)

    Supersuit runs great on my desktop pc (dont regret buying it, just cant work out why my laptop has problems!
    Going to file a bug report anyways.. you never know!

    :)4.5 will not live side-by-side with Even using "different" bit-versions. It changes stuff in the data folder that they share.

  • Orion_UkOrion_Uk Posts: 231
    edited December 1969

    adamr001 said:
    Orion_Uk said:
    Khory said:
    I really hope you get it sorted. Super suit is pretty amazing and I know not having it work is driving you nuts.

    Lol, thanks ;)

    Well its kinda good news :)

    Supersuit runs great on my desktop pc (dont regret buying it, just cant work out why my laptop has problems!
    Going to file a bug report anyways.. you never know!


    4.5 will not live side-by-side with Even using "different" bit-versions. It changes stuff in the data folder that they share.

    Thanks but if you mean the data folder in My Libary then thats not the issue in this case. I changed the name or my origional `My Libary` folder to `My Libary_OLD` and created a new one (fresh install) of daz studio and installed defualt content (tried this with both versions of DS (4.5 &

    I currently have Supersuit working on my desktop with DS 4.5 AND it is working in Carrara 8.5 Beta on my desktop.

    I can import my DUF scene/character from DS 4.5 to Carrara 8.5 but I cant work out how to apply the different shaders in carrara, The shaders are not cbr files but are dsa files instead. I am new to using Genesis so dont know how to apply them! Browsing through smart content and content lib only shows the folder structure but not the files (shaders)? I am not too bothered about using supersuit on my laptop (but it would be nice) as long as I can use it all on my desktop ;)

    Thanks for your reply btw ;)

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854
    edited December 1969

    Happy to hear you get to use it somewhere!

  • Vos1327Vos1327 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Fixed it (on my computer anyway). Realized I was till working with DAZ, so I downloaded 4.5 and installed it (64 bit) Now the Supersuit loads up just fine--no crashes so far. Not sure if this is the fix for everyone having troubles with the Supersuit crashing, but, for me, it worked.

  • Ali BozisAli Bozis Posts: 39
    edited December 1969

    Does the super suit crash for everybody, or is it just for some?.
    Cause I don't wanna get excited and buy it, if it don't work properly yet?

    And does anybody know how long its for sale?

  • ecstatic_veggieecstatic_veggie Posts: 3
    edited December 1969

    So I picked up the basic supersuit yesterday and everytime I go to load it into Studio it crashes Studio with a fatal error. Anyone have any clues as to why it would be doing this?

    I am running Studio 4 Pro 64 Bit if that is maybe the issue, but I have never had any sort of issue out of any other item before. I have tried reinstalling it twice just to see if maybe something happened and a file didnt install to the directory properly. I am at a loss here.

  • GavinDowningGavinDowning Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I purchased the Supersuit the other day, and I'd really like to start playing with it. Unfortunately, every time I load it, Daz has a fatal error and crashes.

    I've tried reloading the Supersuit with a fresh download, but the problem persists. Should I reinstall Daz? Or is there something obvious I'm missing? Any ideas?

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854
    edited December 1969

    Check which version of studio you have. It needs to be or newer I believe. I know a couple of people had trouble with crashes and the super suit and that solved if for them.

  • GavinDowningGavinDowning Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    That wasn't it -- but when I checked, I discovered I'd been using the 32-bit Daz 4. Whoops! I went ahead and tried it in the 64-bit, and it's working great now!

    Thanks for the help!

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854
    edited December 1969

    Glad it is working for you now. Your going to have a blast with it!

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,838
    edited December 1969

    gavindowning, I've merged your thread with an existing thread on this issue.

  • Orion_UkOrion_Uk Posts: 231
    edited December 1969

    gavindowning, I've merged your thread with an existing thread on this issue.

    Hi, I have been away for a few days as I had to have another operation on my hand (more to come!) anyways...

    Should I submit a big report for this? I just got back from hosp and dont feel like searching for an existing one until the meds wear off! As my previous posts state, It seems to work fine on my desktop pc with DS4.5 but still crashes on my laptop. I also have a missing content issue in Carrara 8.5 on my desktop!

  • Orion_UkOrion_Uk Posts: 231
    edited December 1969

    Khory said:
    Happy to hear you get to use it somewhere!

    Thanks ;)

  • Orion_UkOrion_Uk Posts: 231
    edited May 2012

    Well, good news!

    Normally I restore my computer (laptop) from an image, seems that some of my Daz content files were damaged or something about that current windows installation was causing the problem!

    I decided that the long route was best and all is fine now :)

    I did a clean install of Windows 7 (Ultimate 64bit) And then I installed Daz studio 4.5 (before ANY windows updates!) and my supersuit bundle right after. Confirming that all way well, I made a backup copy of my library (while its was working with out issue) and proceeded to install the rest of my content. aeons later after installing all my daz products, everything is still working fine (fingers crossed) so I deleted my copy of my library and made an updated copy of my library and saved that to my NAS drive (for future recovery s) and then went about installing all my other programs back on to my laptop.

    I have made a new image of my current installation (deleting the old one to save space) and am blissfully exploring Daz Studio 4.5 with a working Supersuit ;)

    Yipppeee :)

    Post edited by Orion_Uk on
  • edited December 1969

    Anyone having a problem loading Supersuit into DAZ 4.0? I have the pro version. It'll let me load the basic suit but when I double-click to load the full suit, DAZ quits.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,838
    edited December 1969

    Exactly which version - check Help>About DAZ Studio?

  • edited December 1969

    As far as I know it's the latest version. I just clicked through the thread and it seems the 64 bit DAZ install seems to fix the problem but I don't believe I can load that version on my laptop. But can't hurt to try that again tonight and see...

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