What's The Closest You've Gotten To Clearing Your Wishlist?

in The Commons
You've got to admire posters on these boards who are able to brag, "Thanks to that big (PA, PC+, Holiday or whatever) Sale, I was able to clear out my wishlist!" Heh, my wishlist hasn't shrunk to fewer than three pages in the past five years, and it sure hasn't been due to lack of trying!
Though in truth my current MUST-HAVE list probably numbers around thirty DAZ store items or less, as opposed to be WOULD-BE-NICE items, which amount to considerably more... hence the three pages.
So where does your wishlist stand in the current scheme of things?
I do it every now and then. It helps that after things aren't on sale anymore, my brain suddenly sees the real price and I often remove it from the list.
...I think mine is at 4 right now. (based on 120 items shown per page).
I was up over 120 items quite a while ago when a glitch at Daz cleared everything out for me. Now I've an iron-clad rule -- if I pass on an item in my wishlist twice at 50% off I drop it from the wish list as I apparently don't want it all that bad. So now it's rare for my list to get above 12 or 14 items. (I'm also a lot more selective in what I put on the list.
I got my wishlist down to 10 items a number of years ago when Genesis 1 and earlier items were periodically 80-90% off. I've added stuff since then, but most of it is just "I'd like to have this if it was at a steep discount" rather than things I really want or need. I have 185 items right now, and I'd say only 2 or 3 are things I really want, for several reasons:
1) I got nearly all the older stuff I wanted at 80-90% off already
2) I don't buy items that don't have 3Delight materials
3) I use Genesis 1 most of the time, and while I regularly convert poses and outfits for G2 and G3 to G1, I'm so inundated in poses that I don't really need more. I don't use G8 at all.
4) There are some plugins/scripts that I'd like to have, but I'm reluctant to buy ones that don't work in DS4.8
My wishlist is like 80% textures.
There's almost nothing I've ever wanted that hasn't gone on a deep sale at some point.
Another 10% of stuff is SUPER OLD that I doubt I will ever buy. (we're talking A3 age) - some of those characters have something unique about them.
And the last 10% is stuff I'd like to have, but don't exactly need.
That's what every "Choose from this list..." has like one or two items on it.
And I keep getting the banners that say "Since you already own......"
The wishlist depletes every time they do a "Take an EXTRA Y% off your cart of X items or less"
I always pop open the wish list, sort by % off and choose my X number of favorites.
And, and then, some items are only there to test cart prices and really shouldn't be on my wishlist at all.
5 Items
Maybe in the beginning I was able to get my wishlist down to almost nothing but as of now, every time I buy something from it I seem to add 10 - 15 more things.
Less than a page; I removed over a thousand a couple of months ago.
I used the premise that if I hadn't bought them by now, with them being on sale at least once, then I wans't going to. I kept seeing the same items come up yet I passed on them.
I aim to have only one item from a PA in my wishlist - except some very old ones (V4 era), that I'm watching for coming up free / 1.99 max.
It's a wishlist not 'Oh thats nice" list; if I'm not using it as a list of products that I will buy, then to me it's a waist of time.
I typically have between 30 and 50 items on my Wishlist.
Every so often I have a cull along the lines of: "that's been available at 70% off or more and I didn't buy it so I'm never likely to". I seem to buy things off the list about as often as I add new things to it.
It's down to 33 right now because of those recent coupons for an extra %age off some items already in a sale.
Once. When DAZ was changing their web page technology. But then they found it.
I've already removed the skull and spine from my wishlist because the thought occured to me that I could get the V4 skeleton or even LoRez skeleton and find some way to hide everything except the skull and spine.
242, it's not too bad right now. There was a time when I had over a thousand items in there.
That reminds me that I should add those shoes to the wishlist.
Ha ha ha...seriously? Anytime I take something off my wishlist, I've added ten others in it's place.
Even though I don't use iRay, or anything G8, and no characters past G2, my wishlist keeps sneaking up because some wicked people keep releasing beautiful sets! I had it down under 400 at the beginning of the year, and now it's at 402. Mostly nice-to-haves, a few desperately want but can't afford, and a bunch of if-it's-cheap-enoughs. :-) Right now my most desperately needed pieces are at other sites, so that's where my money's waiting to go :-)
...yeah that's pretty much what populate my wishlist, sets and props as well as a few vehicles along with resource content. I am on a very tight budget being on a fixed pension so unless a major sale hits that includes a lot of items on my wishlist, it's hard to trim it down much. The last time was the spring PC+ sale where I actually reduced trimmed one page off (used to be 5 pages at 120 items per page).
I have some G8 items (mainly a few of the "unique" characters) but also all the G8 ➠ G3 conversion scripts as I primarily use G3.
After just making another pruning pass on my wishlist it's down to 496 items! Finally got it below 500. It's not so much of a wishlist as a "yeah, I could use that some day" list. My mistake was years ago when I expanded from medieval stuff that would work for D&D themes to contemporary stuff.
Last time my wishlist was clear was probably before I started shopping here...