Accidentally erased todays coupon code.

in The Commons
Hello All,
This morning (8-17-20) I was shopping for the Cowboys and Aliens coupon code that came up on the bar on top of the web site page. I accidenatly hit the x-button and now the message (and code with it) is gone. Could anyone tell me how I can get the code back?
go to your messages section then click exclussive offers and you'll see it there
It should still be in the messages on your account dashboard
The message should still be here:
I kind of figured it was saved somewhere, I just didn't know where!
Thanks a bunch!
I use the browser autocomplete , the code is in the history
It's not like it works, anyway.
It worked for me. What are you trying to buy and with which code?
There are enough people who automatically delete this code that they should probably make an Undo button that appears in its place for a while after the X is clicked. Or at least there should be an easier way to find the codes when the banner is gone.
Maybe he went over 5 items? I did that and it didn't work for me either, but when I reread the conditions of the sale and made sure I only had 5, it worked.
That would be nice because even though I am usually VERY carefull, accidentally clicking on the close banner icon is very easy to do. For example there were many times the "X" button to close a picture was blocked by the banner and I had to click outside the picture to close it. But at least there is a way to get the sale code back, so I am good.
Turned out to be Autocorrect shooting me in the foot. Move along, nothing to see here...