Suggestions for a Default HDRI

I've started using my own scene that DS defaults to when it opens, but I can't decide on a good HDRI that would give natural lighting for the initial work of setting character's skin, makeup, etc. 

Anyone have a favourite that they'd recommend?


  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    The render settings and HDRI that come with Altern8 can be a good start, and I used them for a long time, obviously especially if you use Altern8, but they're good generally.

    Now I use the lights, backdrop and render settings that come with the HY Ponytail/Bun Hair.  They're a bit cool, which you can adjust, but I like them for doing hair and make-up because they're very neutral, and render fast.  They start with Sun-Sky set to zero, but you can bump that up for dress-up.   

    This is an example:

  • evacynevacyn Posts: 975

    Ooo nice! I use Altern8 almost exclusively but I've never used the HDRIs that came with it (although I've been using 3Diva's Easy Light and Render - Spectrum Studio). And I really like the lighting in the HY Ponytail/Bun Hair. Thanks for posting the image! 

  • SaiyanessSaiyaness Posts: 715

    The last one (may not be shown in promos...) in particular is my favourite. It's an awesome neutral HDR for testing skin. I've used it for a few character's promos too (like Nyarai and Ester).

    You can't go wrong with DimensionTheory for lighting. These are lovely neutral lighting HDR packs.  


  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749

    Dawwww My products are getting all kinds of love today! Thank you @Sevrin and @evacyn for the nice comments about Altern8 and Spectrum Studio - you guys made my day! :)

  • rrwardrrward Posts: 556

    I've always liked the HDRs that come with DM's White Springs sets over at The Other Store.

  • This was rendered using one of the light presets in Click N Render IBL Set by Cake One. It could possibly use a little fill light on the right side, but that's personal preference. ;

    533 x 800 - 211K
  • ThyranqThyranq Posts: 584

    Studio Light Pro by Dreamlight is my go to for a 'setup' lighting. Specifically, I use the Warm to Cool light, and set the dome rotation to 30 or 45 degrees. I've got a render cooking at the moment, otherwise I'd pop in an image.

  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564
    Saiyaness said:
    You can't go wrong with DimensionTheory for lighting. These are lovely neutral lighting HDR packs.  


    Totally agree with that Saiyaness. Neutral lighting is a must for setting up your skin shaders. And a neurtal HDRI is the best lighting environment to do that in.

    Personally I use a Dimention Theory one, can't remember the name, under a tree with no strong direct lighting, and one side spot for shadow.

    Ultimately your skins will look different as you build your scene and add additional light/s, but a colour temp of 5000 to 5500K is a good starting point for seeing what they look like.

  • ThyranqThyranq Posts: 584

    Here ya go for an example, Dreamlight's Warm to Cool HDRI, rotated 45 degrees. I use this pretty much all the time to set the character up.

    923 x 1200 - 1M
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