Render dimensions

in The Commons
Hi All, if i want to make a poster at A0 size 14043 x 9933 in pixels, would have to render out at this size ? or can you renedr at a smaller dimmension and then fit to the art work A0 work board in say Photoshop ? Thanks.
I forgot to add to that , the main figure would be the main focus of the art work and take up most of the space on the poster, Thanks.
If you want a sharp detailled result then it's better to render at the intended size, if you render smaller and redimension it there's a risk it will become pixelated and/or blurry when expanded.
That size would take a lot of VRAM; at that size, I'd be tempted to look for a provider that allows rendering.
Thanks Guys, nicstt , what is provider that allows rendering.? .
Thakt it thats outsourcing some one who will do the render ?, wouldn't know whewre to start with that .
Can't you just split the render into 4 parts, render each one separately, and then stitch them together?
If spot rendering saves memory, then I would try that.
You can't render at those dimensions in DS.
Your options are to split the scene and spot render or to render at a lower size and upsample, which won't be as sharp.
Check this thread.
Gonna quote Richard Haseltine from the other thread on the subject:
you can turn off the limit like with most parameters and render as big as your system can handle. But with closeups there's a point where the textures aren't big enough to provide the detail needed.