Oh holy....Why there are no tutorials in Carrara...

Oh holy not friendly to beginners.... the tutorial button in Carrara doesn't work....
Do we have any good links for learning videos and pdf as a guide?
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Oh holy not friendly to beginners.... the tutorial button in Carrara doesn't work....
Do we have any good links for learning videos and pdf as a guide?
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There were also some tutorials Learning Carrara 8.5, Advanced Carrara Techniques, & Carrara - Realism Rendering, (Infinite Skills) by PhilW that use to be sold on the DAZ3D store, they are now part of online tutorials at O’Reilly
Here are some helpful links via the very helpful Dartanbeck
Carrara Information Manual at top of forum - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/15970/carrara-information-manual/p1
Carrara cafe tutorials and discussion - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/40534/
Learning Carrara and need some help? - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/103416/learning-carrara-and-need-some-help/p1
Many tutorial links - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/256290/#Comment_256290
Categorized list of free tutorials by the great late Cripeman - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/233895/#Comment_233895
Here the link to the "old" tutorials (at the bottom) > http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/artzone/pub/software/carrara/start
or the direct link here > docs.daz3d.com/lib/exe/fetch.php/artzone/azproduct/trismegistus/quick_tour_english.zip
tutorials without picrtures .... what the heck?!
Try to find something here:
much obliged .... thank you!
Here are the tutorials that I mean.
I am always happy to point folks in a direction to find visual Carrara tutorials, especially now that Phil's work is not easily available.
But I downloaded this file, unzipped it, and it still won't work. Is there a secret?
The files are in the swf format (Flash format). I have tested it with IrfanView and it works.
Many of the browser support not more the "old" flash format.
That must be it, thanks. I wish they were in a different format. It's hard to recommend something that I can't see myself.
I've added a lot of info links to the Carrara Info page - also check out Cripeman's Tutorial Index for wonderful video tutorials
Here are a couple of my recent tutorials with free 'helper base scenes':
...and these two are older, much longer and less manicured - instructions for my (now free) Carrara EnvironKits:
Download EnvironKits for Carrara (as well as Starry Skies for Carrara)
Painting with Shadows is an excercise inspired by getting lighting advise from Digital Lighting and Rendering as well as pro tips from the much older Carrara forums when I first started using Carrara. After doing these sorts of excercises several times, lighting becomes a lot quicker and easier.
Also, Carrara Info is now directly connected to Forum Help Links, but even more: each category leads to video tutorial of those topics as well. I designed it to be a good self-help learning center for Carrara users - even veterans who just want to branch into an area of Carrara they haven't explored much.
I've just updated it to include both Cripeman's and GKDantas' tutorial videos.
The beneifit of the Forum Help Links is that the index is made up of links to threads in this forum that already exist, so clicking on a specific subject will take you to the original quest along with (often many) different answers, links, videos, etc.,
Furthermore, if the thread doesn't answer your particular problem, posting int that thread will revitalize the thread to the top of the forum so others can see it and help. And if that's not enough, folks who were following the thread will get an email, so they know that someone has just made a new post - so you'll likely get answers fast!