Recommendations for a great rendering laptop (UK)

in The Commons
Hi All,
Can anyone please recommend an excellent PC laptop for rendering. I'm in the UK, so if there are any fellow users from here that can advise, I would be most grateful. I'm not on a budget, so cost is not important. I'm starting to build my own PC, but those plans have been delayed somewhat, as I have to go abroad for work for 6 months. I will, most likely, use it for gaming as well whilst away. Probably looking for a 17in or any size larger and wider than standard.
While I wouldn't recommend a laptop--it'll get very, very hot for starters, and replacing parts is a chore/impossible--NVIDIA have a line of "RTX Studio" computers they say take full advantage of their GPUs.
This one has 17.3" display
Thanks very much. I don't necessarily want a laptop either..but being away for 6 months I'd like something I can take with me. Looking at workstations etc. I'll prob just buy a good one and when I get back I'll sell it.
Take a look at - within certain parameters you can design your own for them to build for you.
Thakls all for the sugestions. I ended up buying a suped up this in the end:
_ alrite then ~
I have one I got from a few years ago; it was decent back then and would have managed simple Iray renders; they are customisable too.
I would consider investing in an external monitor when you get to your destination.
I've taken monitors on longer trips (when I don't have to fly). I even have a flat panel padded shoulder bag just for it.
Yeah I got it maxed on on all the bells and whistles and you can upgrade everything inside, from processor to GPU. This is the first time I have owned a PC for over 20 years, so back to the learning curve. This article was the deciding point of getting the laptop. though I still do want to try and build my own PC next year.
I actually travel with my 27" iMac. I bought a custom built case for it, and after over 70 flights in the past few years it has never once been damaged. You can attach up to three screens on the PC laptop, but for the time being it's just going to be the workhorse for rendering. Still love the iMac for creating and Photoshop/Lightroom/Premiere etc.