Rig "Morphing" for Daz Studio

Doc AcmeDoc Acme Posts: 1,153
edited August 2020 in The Commons

In DS, when you have a character and apply morphs such as breed type etc., the rig's bone structure morphs a long with it.  

When exported via FBX though, this doesn't happen.  It retains the base character's rig. The mesh has selected morphs exported though. I've gotten pretty good at rig editing on the other side, but would like to NOT have to do that if possible.

Is this a limit to FBX or how it's implemented, or is there a series of steps in DS I'm missing prior to exporting that would accomplish this, basically baking everything?


Tiger Using Morph.jpg
1920 x 1080 - 208K
Tiger Morph OFF.jpg
1920 x 1080 - 169K
1915 x 1077 - 245K
Post edited by Chohole on


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    Did you adjust rigging to shape before export?

  • Doc AcmeDoc Acme Posts: 1,153

    I only set the Tiger morph.  As you can see in the images, the rig adjusts itself between the two breed morphs.  That's what I'd like to get to export as well.


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614

    maybe rightclick with the rigging tool selected edit baking rotations could help

  • Doc AcmeDoc Acme Posts: 1,153

    I've tired the bake all Transforms (Shft-B), but that again seems to only work for the mesh. I'll see if there's something drectly in the rig Edit tool.

  • Doc AcmeDoc Acme Posts: 1,153

    There does appear to be some functions in the Joint Editor that may do what I'm wanting.  Did a test & got a larger rig exported, but unfortunately it was ~ 2X what the mesh needed.

    Only info I could find were using 4.6 or from 2008. 


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614

    I haven't tried exporting it but I use bake rotations to rig stuff that is not the same scale and proportions of DAZ figures but never save it as it can overwrite my originals,

    I use it just to  adjust whatever it is to the standard DAZ shapes.

    it doesn't just bake rotations, it bakes scale and transforms from the hip down too

    I use it to move pivots too


  • Doc AcmeDoc Acme Posts: 1,153

    Seems like I did try the bake rotations option but must have done something else as well. I'll try some more tests to see what I ended up doing, then post some more screen grabs.


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