Thoughts on the Feed The People Bundle

I already have nearly all the items in it except the couple of new ones (and i don't need yet another kitchen or more poses). I would ordinarily pass on buying that bundle; but I really would like to support and encourage DAZ's charity efforts. So, I'm going to buy the bundle anyway. Understandably I realize not everybody can afford to buy it but I hope that those of you who can will purchase the bundle.
Post edited by Charlie Judge on
I got a purple banner that says "Because you already own some of the content" but I can't figure out what part of it I have. I clicked on them all and none of them say they're purchased.
I own it all but the family of 3 poses, shaker kitchen and the ice cream parlor. The amount left is 22 dollars after purple banners. I can do that
My biggest beef is that they included content so old that it's only 3DL. Yes, I know you can change the shaders to Iray, but sometimes (a lot of times) older content doesn't convert all that well because it's missing needed maps (usually bump, normal, and/or specularity). Honestly...I'd probably rather just donate to a charity of my choosing (my employer even matches 50%.)
If they wanted to put together a bundle of all new food-related content and do charity work with that, I'd be there.
Daz has me as owning half, but not owning the ice-cream bundle although I own the parlor. I own every item in a bunch of bundles but not the bundle itself and this is where Daz does fail. I am not sure if this is a ploy to gain more sales or ... can't think of another reason why a database would not have a table to calculate the items in a bundles, identify those owned and then go "DUH Dude, they actually own the bundle, duh!" well actually the column would be a yes and if all rows have yes than bundle is owned. People who buy bundles in parts and pieces would be treated the same as those who bought the bundle (despite the fact they often pay more by buying it that way vs buying it as a bundle). I thought the ice-cream parlor poses sucked because real ice cream stores have different poses (their body language does not say, hey wanna fk tonight or I'm too sexy for my uniform, which is sexier than those any any other icecream parlor because often even a single dad has a wide-eyed impressionable kid holding his hand ) and most icecream is hard as rocks and the servers are tired and haggard because they needed a backhoe to chisel out the glacier icecream flavor and is tired of serving 200 eight year old brats) so I only bought the parlor. I had no issue buying the other bundle to support the emergency workers (which I owned all of but two items) but I refuse to buy this one. If Daz wants support, for a worthy cause they should pick items that are suitable for any age, any race, any color any religion. So I'll pass on this one, not because I own more of it than they think, but because the content for a worthy cause should be picked with great care.
Edit: maybe the words great care should be changed. Maybe, picked with some diligence, would be more fitting.
I'm in a bit of the same boat as others here. The purple banner helps, but the remaining bundles in the mega bundle that I don't already own, I have pieces several cases.
But, on the upside, this sale does seem to stack with the sci fi purple banner coupon that applies to the PA stores in that sale, for those that haven't used that coupon yet and if stuff from those PAs interests you. This puts my 'average price per item' in the sale around $3 each, and supposedly it's for a good cause r.e. the mega bundle, so I'll probably pull the trigger...
Soooo, they do nothing for hungry people in the United States? I'll donate my money to local food banks and shelters. Thanks.
It so happens that Action against hunger is a charity I've ben donating to long ago (since it originated in my country and as a result is pretty well known around here). If you have most of the elements in the bundle, why don't you just donate directly to them the whole amount rather than paying for something you already have and have them get only 50% of the proceeds? .
Action against hunger is active in developing countries, not at all to my knowledge in western ones (I could be mistaken). Not at all the same aim and benefirciaries.
Well, apparently own the ice cream parlor... oh well.
Because as I said in my OP I also want to encourage DAZ to continue doing these charaty promotions.
it's a lovely thought and quite a good deal but I sadly cannot afford that much because I need to eat too
still a great idea
Please remember that discussing politics is against the ToS.
The fact that other causes exist doesn't make what Action Against Hunger does less valid or less needed, just like supporting Action Against Hunger doesn't negate other charities or causes.
You prefer supporting one of those other causes instead of buying this bundle? By all mean do it. That's your money, and you get to choose what to do with it, just like Daz gets to choose if they want to support a specific cause or charity.
lol humankind never cease to amaze me!
anyway, I read there's a problem with the bundle because not all contents are delivered to buyers so I think I'll wait before buying it..
I feel direct contributions are more efficient but had I already not owned the Crazy Baker Bundle, the Ice Cream Parlour, and School Lunch props I would have considered it on it's on merits and still not bought it, itstead picking out the components I want individually from the bundle and I do have a few that are in my wishlist not yet bought in that bundle. It's nice of DAZ but I didn't buy the Rescue Bundle either. I shop at to be charitable or donate directly. I donate anonymously though except for the Smile.Amazon purchases and I'm pretty certain Amazon doesn't tell the Salvation Army I'm donating either.
As usually happens with bundles of old stuff, I already owned all of it except for the two new items, so even with a 70% off purple bar AND an extra 20% off everythng in the cart offer I got today, I would lose money on the deal... :/
That's why I haven't said what I think about the Red Cross.