Was there no freebie this week?

HeraHera Posts: 1,958
edited August 2020 in The Commons

I can't find any. I guessed it was RL Super Sheds first then Just Earrings - El Nano Punk'd because these were the only things that might fit the genre, (the rest of the stuffs from today and yesterday are clothing, figures and larger props ) but none of them shows up as free in my cart, in spite of having other new items there. And sorting lower price to highest gives me no new products.



Post edited by Hera on


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    Do you mean the PC freebie?

    Last week's was this one: https://www.daz3d.com/modular-sci-fi-wall-lights

    This week is this (released today): https://www.daz3d.com/simply-grass-the-rough-stuff

    Neither of the products you listed are freebies, they're PA items.

  • HeraHera Posts: 1,958

    No, I mean the weekly friebie. The one you get for free when you purchase a new product. There's no such to be found in the store today or yesteday.


  • HeraHera Posts: 1,958

    That grass thing turned up for free in my cart too, but does not show up in the store.
    Why is it hidden?

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844
    edited August 2020
    Hera said:

    No, I mean the weekly friebie. The one you get for free when you purchase a new product.

    There's only one weekly freebie, the PC one. It's free for PC members, and free with purchase for non-members. It's released on wednesdays with the PC items.

    The new freebie doesn't seem to have its release date set correctly, it appears on last page when sorted by "new releases".

    Post edited by Leana on
  • HeraHera Posts: 1,958

    It would've been nice if it had shown up among the newest items, as it is now, I believe people will miss it. No one looks at the last page after all.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    You can look at this page:


    One of them is the weekly free with purchase, the other one is only free for PC members for that month ...

    I have a habit of throwing both in my cart when buying something and then deleting the one that doesn't turn free.

  • they are often hard to find, on the main store sales page in the drop down menu sort by - click select price low to high

  • also the other weekly freebie menu/section at the very top chances are you may already own all of them these often get reused or you may have bought them too

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844
    Hera said:

    It would've been nice if it had shown up among the newest items, as it is now, I believe people will miss it. No one looks at the last page after all.

    I reported it, hopefully the problem will be fixed.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited August 2020

    Change the sort order on the main page to Low to High from New first.

    I do that every few days

    Post edited by nicstt on
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