Where find Daz Studio render settings 8 bit 16 bit

DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
edited August 2020 in The Commons

Have been looking at the info in the tab for render settings for Daz Studio.  Where can I find bit information for the image?  Is it possible to choose 8 bit, 16 bit?

where find render bit.jpg
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Post edited by Diomede on


  • I don't think that is possible, but if you go to the advanced tab > canvases and add a beauty canvas, once your render is done and you save it it will create a folder with the same name +_canvases

    and you will find a 32 bit .exr version of your render in there

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    jpg and png are only 8 bit as far as I can tell.

    You could use the exr and photoshop/gimp to output to a 16bit jpeg/png

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Whilst I think about it, don't compress the jpg due to its lossy nature; in other words, compressing jpg means they loose information.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    Yes, the best options for saving a render are the non-lossy .png and .tif (I always use .tif). After I've used postwork to add titles, credits, etc. then I do a final save as .jpg.

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    I've found the easiest method to recreate old-school style 3D renders is to just render it normally and then use compression filters to give it a 90s look if that's what you're after.

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